Why all the tubing posts?

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May 17, 2010
Why in the world are half the posts in this forum about tubing?

kyle f

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

BEcause its just hop on and have fun. It requires no practice, skill, or coordination.

So, everyone does it and they think its a "watersport"


May 17, 2010
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

More wondering why someone would think that a Waterskiing forum would be a good place to ask tubing questions. As a group serious waterskiers tend to detest tubing.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2007
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

May be time for a tubing section:D


Mar 9, 2009
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Actually I think they should just lump them together (wakeboard, tubing, skiing, air chair, etc). There's no reason to separate the sections on this particular site.


May 17, 2010
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Actually I think they should just lump them together (wakeboard, tubing, skiing, air chair, etc). There's no reason to separate the sections on this particular site.

Probabally true - not a ton of volume in either of the 2 forums


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

CAUSE....IBOATS is the best place to ask these questions..:D

kyle f

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

More wondering why someone would think that a Waterskiing forum would be a good place to ask tubing questions. As a group serious waterskiers tend to detest tubing.

As I said before.... The think its a watersport and they are pulling somethign with their boat.

I think every watersports enthusiasts detest tubers. :mad:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

No. It's just slalom skiers that detest wake boarders. :)

Imagine, a guy filling his boat with water, driving around slowly on a lake trying to impress the neighbors with how loud his stereo system is, stopping frequently to pick up riders who keep biffing their stunts, all while making the largest wakes possible....

...oh jeez, I'm sorry there's a B-52 V23 in your signature.
I guess we need to be a bit tolerant of what any of us call a good time.


Sorry, couldn't help myself.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 20, 2010
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Well my boy enjoys his tubing @ 6 years old


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Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Nice pic, nice tube. Boy looks like he's either having fun or about to have fun.:)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Well firstly I don't see a tubing section. Those that "detest" tubing should maybe request a "tubing and towables" section to keep this section to yourselves.
Secondly, tubing is fun for many folk and they like to talk and discuss the subject. Where would you suggest they currently do that ???
Young children that are not yet old enough to ski or need to get some confidence being towed behind a boat with or without somebody with them can get this confidence in a tube and believe it or not they actually enjoy it.
My Father who is 87 years old has been tubing each summer when they come to visit from England. He is a little old for skiing now. If I have a question about it should I not post it because I will upset people in this section because they are "serious skiers" My family also enjoys and does a lot of water skiing as well but there is a place for all activities that require towing something with your boat.
As already said by skibrain, we all need to show some tolerance to whatever activities people enjoy. If you do not care for the tubing posts then you do not have to respond to them.
Let's all get along folks :)


Mar 9, 2009
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

I'll be completely honest, I have never had a forearm workout harder than I did last summer in a sit-down tube. I'm an amatuer slolam skier and have skied for going on 20 years now. I was in a 2-person tube with another guy being pulled around the lake by a jet ski by someone who was going a little too fast for tubing. I had sore forearms for a week after that incident, and I work out pretty consistently! I have been on tubes where you sit on your knees and can shift your weight, but when you're seated, there it nothing to hold you in place but forearm and bicep.

I enjoy skiing more, but tubing is always a close second. No reason to have separate sections for tubing/skiing/wakeboarding/etc since they all involve towing someone on a line and mostly similar principles.

kyle f

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Hmm, well me any my buddies go on a straight shot on our lake where there are no marinas, no houses, and we ride back and forth on it for as long as we are out. We dont seek out others to bother or do we go anywhere near the slalom course or just continue to drive around the lake with the tanks full and if you don't want to be around us, its very easy to tell where we are going.

Tubers on the other hand drive in unpredictable patterns, usually at lower thank wakeboard speed tossing rollers in every direction all in an effort to toss said rider off.

I mean heck, you are no bothering me if you are going in a straight line pulling you young children, well have at it. Those are not the tubers I am talking about.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 17, 2010
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

I am newly back to boating and water sports, and this thread reminds me (as does my recent experience on the lakes) that when on the water we do need to all find a way to coexist and get along. That starts with thinking about those around us in whatever we are doing. There is a small lake a mile from my house that is perfect (small) for skiing, is great for bass fishing lake, has the local rowing club, and also offers sailing lessons. Every time I'm out there, I see a combination of all the above going on. And the reality is that all of the above participants can be jerks if they want to be.

My kids love to tube (and I hate it... I like to ski much more). When we go tubing, I do pull them in a zig zag pattern, but to say that I go in an unpredictable pattern I wouldn't agree with. Anyone towing anything is going to at any given point in time do a direct u-turn to pick up a fallen rider, so I guess in that sense it is unpredictable. But, otherwise I'm doing a pendulum type motion, and in an overall loop around some part of the lake. I have to know that there is room to do this or I don't do it. And that means giving other boats space. But anyone can be a jerk. Just yesterday I was doing this and some idiot comes flying past us on a boat towing nothing and then stops right in front of us. I proceed to overtake him and just as I'm coming up beside him, he takes off again and so now we are directly in his wake. He eventually made a left turn in front of us and so we towed the tube across the wake. I slowed down a little and all was well, but my point is that he wasn't towing anything and the lake wasn't crowded. I was cruising along in a pretty "predictable" pattern and he didn't care. If you are driving a boat around others, it helps to understand how different types of water sports are done so that you can make some educated guess as to where they are going to go.

Now change the tables and we are out in bass fishing mode a few days before on the same lake. We were trolling along near shore... I would say about two times the distance I could cast from shore, and all the way down in a corner of the lake. Before I knew what happened, some idiot with a wakeboard boat came between us and the shore... no kidding, he was probably 4-5' off the shore and towing a kid. As he passed, the music was blaring and I could still hear it as he was a 1/2 mile down the lake. Its great that he was having fun, but the wake he thew on our boat was pretty bad, and the fact that he had to thread the needle between us and the shore when there is a whole lake he could have driven in equals total jerk to me. The music was just obnoxious. We have a stereo on our boat too, but I don't try to play it so loud that it can be heard over the motor and other noise so that its loud for the person in tow. Obviously the boat is designed to do this, so in my mind its designed to be incredibly obnoxious. There is really no way that boat can be used as designed along side someone fishing or canoeing and not have it be annoying. The fisherman isn't really doing anything in that scenario to bother the wakeboarder, but the wakeboarder is annoying the fisherman by removing the peaceful environment they came out there to enjoy. In the scenario I experienced, the guy could have easily gone around us and not between us and the shore, and I doubt the kid in tow would have really not had fun if the music was turned down a bit. The kid was being taught to disregard how what they were doing affected other people around them. We have a world way to full of adults that don't care about others.

But lets not stop short of fisherman that are jerks. There are plenty of times that a bass boat going way too fast for the conditions comes buzzing buy everyone, or, it seems like they get the prize for most obnoxious WOT power loading on the ramp to save 90 seconds of crank time on the winch.

Bottom line is that anyone can be a jerk... tubing; wakeboarding; fishing (or at least driving to the fishing spot). The lakes don't belong to one or the other, and more boat owners need to think about the people around them when they are doing something. It is possible to have some fun without annoying everyone around.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2008
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

As I said before.... The think its a watersport and they are pulling somethign with their boat.

I think every watersports enthusiasts detest tubers. :mad:

I am a serious water skier. I am out at every chance. I ALSO enjoy tubing. I seriously doubt the majority of waterskiers "detest" tubers.

Now, what I detest is "9 speakers of lake rocking fun!". Why should I be forced to listen to your (or anyones) music. Very annoying and disrespectful.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Not speaking on behalf of this site, but it appears to be a general boating forum. I've gotten some great tips and info about a variety of stuff on here. I think there is a good opportunity for those with more experience to share what they've learned with folks new to boating.

Convergent, agree - there is shared blame as jerks can show up in a wide variety of boats. Kyle, sounds like you guys "get it" and stick to yourselves. We use a small (161 acre) metro lake. I've found a brief conversation with a fisherman or other boater can go a long way toward good relations. Otherwise we try to pick off-peak times to get out on the water.

Oldjeep (nice 4WD by the way) if you're really looking for focused slalom skiing forums, send be a PM and I'll send you a few links.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Now, what I detest is "9 speakers of lake rocking fun!". Why should I be forced to listen to your (or anyones) music. Very annoying and disrespectful.

I second that statement !!!:)

kyle f

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

I second that statement !!!:)

Don't boat where I am riding and you won't hear it. I wired my stereo so the tower speakers are not on all the time. Only when I want them to be... No rider, no tower speakers. I don't ride infront of houses or marinas... but then again if you don't like my music, go ban the open exhaust that people seem to just have to rev the crap out of. Just like if you don't liek my wake, get the damn 30' cruisers off the lake, I only wish I could toss out a wake that big.

Seriously though, I am very kind and share the water responsibly. I don't crank the stereo near the marinas, I don't ride there, and I don't ride where people are anchored or where others are riding. We find a place that has a pretty good straight stretch to ride, and we ride it until there are just too many boats around (monrings) or until the sun goes down (evenings).

Tubers feel the need to do figure 8s, carve all over the water... go in any and all directions, and pay no attention to the boats around them, and Most of them have plenty of tower speakers as well.

I think my next investment on my boat is going to be more tower speakers and another Amp. I finally see a way to annoy to dang tubers back.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 8, 2009
Re: Why all the tubing posts?

Oh boy!:eek: This one's going down stream.

Wake boards, Skiis, or Tubes, we are all in it together. Big boat, little boat, or jet ski, we are all in it together. Fighting and bickering amongst ourselves will accomplish nothing but more troubles on the water which at some point will result in more laws restricting what is allowed.

I boat 80% of my time on a small river by comparison to where most of the members here boat. (From what I gather.) And for some strange reason, for the most part, WE ALL GET ALONG.

One has no more right to enjoy their activity any more than the other.

And as far as the concert venue stereo system, if your on the water to enjoy your sport, do it! If you're out there to listen to music, stay in the boat!
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