Re: Whiteknight.....give us a report!!!
Ok for the report,me and bro went to cedar bluff with are 2 boys 13-14 yr olds we caught total of 19 fish(crappies in 1 1/2 days) we were well pleased compared to what we had done in colo.<br />but for the record let it be known that walleyehed knows what he is talking about, a straight shooter and not a bunch of exagerating talk.Might i add that those kansas boys put a flat out whoopin on those fish(and the colorado boys
).So thanks to walleyehed for meeting us in goodland ks and taking us under his wing and getting us fixed up with the proper gear.<br />the proper presintation was then left up to us, walleyehed said he could not help us with that but he told us what to do.we tryed and did ok but after seeing the kansas boys go to work with the proper technique we relaized we needed a lot more practice
the wife may get
but she will heal in time