Yesterday, I took my 88 Baja with a 140hp Volvo Penta, out for a spin around the lake....I let it warm up for a couple of minutes, took off and got to full throttle and everything was ok still.....i slowed down and all of a sudden, boom...white smoke billowed out from the engine compartment, it was still running but it was really loud...I killed the motor and coasted into the dock....opened up the engine cover and more smoke was billowing out, I noticed the engine was really hot for only running maybe 10 minutes or so, I also noticed that the exhaust hose had burst and I think that's where the smoke was coming from....The engine starts right up, no problem, but was really loud because of the hole in the exhaust hose....Is my problem only the exhaust hose that burst or could I also need a water pump cuz it was running hot...what would cause the hose to burst under pressure?? I am going to replace the hose today and see if its ok, but wasnt sure if something else could be wrong Any and all input would be helpful....HELP PLEASE!!!