While I am on a roll ,,might as well


Dec 29, 2002
Not a rant or a troll. In light of a recent post,I must say I was surprised at the reaction. I am truly interested in how you guys feel about this.<br /><br />Have you heard of the new license plate system being put into place in Britton? They are installing a chip in the vehicles license plate that enables "Big brother" to track each vehicle.<br /><br />Did you know that the United States is very interested in this technology for use on OUR personal vehicles. Here is a very short article if your interested. <br /><br />The UK Department for Transport just gave the go-ahead for a trial of new, RFID-enabled license plates aimed to make vehicles trackable in Britain. Unlike passive RFID which only transmits over short distances, the e-Plate licenses use active RFID technology to transmit vehicle identification numbers and other data to readers over 300 feet away. Not surprisingly, US officials will be monitoring the trial closely with an eye toward bringing mandatory RFID-tagged plates to the States. Active RFID is currently in limited usage on US roadways, where the Department of Homeland Security is issuing RFID tags to foreign freight and passenger vehicles as they enter the country. Privacy advocates cringe in horror at the thought of RFID license plates being used as backdoor surveillance tools, while proponents argue, predictably, that active RFID will help, you know, save the world from terrorism.<br /><br /><br /> How would you feel about this? It IS coming. Things like checkpoints and gun laws open the door just a crack more each time to allow this type of thing to happen. We have a fading constitution at best.


Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

The whole idea is about TAXATION. Don't let anybody tell you it is not.<br /><br />As for watching foreigners, with foreign registered vehicles, while here, I'm all for it. We're all better off knowing where they are. Remember, they HAVE NO rights here.<br /><br />BTW, all this is being done via US built and funded satellites. :rolleyes:


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

I read the other post.<br />FH its just a Tool ;) <br />Well at least were not putting mandatory GPS systems in your vehicles! They will say Yet<br /><br />Same thing here when the "health dept" put out a ban on smoking.. Their words not mine.. well at least we didn't include private homes ! <br />They did include all hotel and motel rooms though but did it privately through the mail!<br /><br />I wont even get into helmets and seat belts... they are just Tools <br /><br />They are trying to get 50 cal and above guns banned. That would include my 50 black powder musket! Thats how they did it in Europe!<br /><br />I just rented 1984 today.. havent watched it yet but I suspect the date was just a little off.<br /><br />Sheep are supposed to Follow get back in line Flahthead and quit trying to think for yourself!<br /><br />Oh to answer your question.. Im sorry<br /><br /> IT SUCKS


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 15, 2005
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Flathead: <br />DJ and link are correct it’s about taxes. And big brother monitoring your driving habits. As I understand it the more one drives the more one pays for road taxes the less one drives the less one pays for road taxes. So in theory it would make sense. The current system one drives 12,000 miles per year they pay the same towards taxes as someone that drives 50,000 miles per year or 100,000. New system the person(s) that drive 50,000 or 100,000 will pay more for taxes. Highway maintenance is very expensive. I personally like the idea, but I also like privatizing social security, but that’s another topic. :)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Oh no, they will know when I do burnouts now. :D <br /><br />Just how will they do temp tags then. I know several "dealers" that will just keep giving out the temp tags to their customers. I know, they will get caught, but some of these fellows have been doing it for years.


May 15, 2004
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Buying a 1973 ford F100 tomorrow :) <br /><br />They'll never get me!


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Dept of health and human services wants to put those things in every PERSON. Now that's scary...


Dec 29, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Tax's may well be a part of it. Don't know about others but each year my car goes in for inspection the odometer reading is documented. If the state wants to tap me for a road tax I would think the means to do it are already in place. Ive also read that it is claimed to be a counter terrorism devise. I see it as just another way to monitor citizens. <br /><br />Hows about a total surveillance society! A camera on every corner! An RFID chip in everything that moves. Chipped at birth and tracked our whole lives! Gated highways checking for papers.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Originally posted by Booner:<br /> Flathead: <br />The current system one drives 12,000 miles per year they pay the same towards taxes as someone that drives 50,000 miles per year or 100,000.
Unless I misunderstood, that's not right. I pay road taxes because they're levied on gasoline. The more I drive, the more taxes I pay.<br /><br />However, if I drive a hybrid, I would pay less taxes per mile than someone in a non-hybrid vehicle.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Hey, as good as I am backing up to hitch up the trailer, that tag and it's little "chip" would be toast in no time flat..... :D


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

I just dont how the brits stand it. Despite all their security, they still got bombed.<br /><br />It always goes back to the security vs privacy. Many more people than you and me prefer securuty over privacy. They will win, trust me.<br /><br />I started a thread a while back asking why cars have license plates, and never got a good answer. There is no need at all.<br /><br />Ken


Jun 16, 2004
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

If Im not mistaken, that system was first introduced in Germany on Semi's. They taxed by how many miles a truck drove on the autobahn.<br /><br />The truckers werent stupid, so now they take the secondary roads.


Oct 29, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Snapper said
Hey, as good as I am backing up to hitch up the trailer, that tag and it's little "chip" would be toast in no time flat..... <br />
Now ain't that the truth LMAO :D :D


Lieutenant Commander
May 21, 2003
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

on the eastern sea board there is a system called EZ Pass, which lets you drive thru the tolls and have your credit card get charged<br /><br />HEY NEAT IDEA HUH?? DONT WASTE GAS IN LINES, JUST FLY RIGHT THRU, WOW, A GOVERNMENT PROGRAM THAT ACTUALLY WORKS, WOO HOOOO<br /><br />but it's more sinister than that. on the turnpike they have been issueing tickets for people with suspect times on the pass thru, if they go from exit 1 to exit 10 in an hour, they know you went 90. They can do this with the regular tickets too BUT you are just a random ticket that way, on Sleazy-Pass they got you NAILED but good, mister!<br /><br />I wonder what they will do when hover cars come out??<br /><br /> :D :D :D


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

TBT, they have the same thing at the weigh stations now for big rigs, you have something in the truck that this thing reads before you get to the scale house exit and maybe a light inside the truck to tell you to come in or by-pass, either way, it's the same thing me thinks.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

I heard somebody invented something called the "internet"...we got to nip this technology thing in the bud...nip it in the bud, I say!


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 29, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Your right! this is all about TAX, the more you drive the more you pay. Its not good enough that I am already paying tax on the petrol I use (UK petrol cost almost $8.00 gallon, 80% of that is tax) but now I'm going to get hammered for the miles I drive, I do 55/65K miles a year for work. I forgot I also get taxed on my company car. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Link, thats a strange movie, hard to follow.<br /><br />easier if you have read the book.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

I don't like the idea of it being on the license plate, but I have the same thing in my Yukon right now - it's called Onstar. I don't like the idea of tracking, but I do like the safety and anti-theft features.<br /><br />With the license plate deal, they do not know who is driving vehicle, etc. So I don't know how they could issue citation. I don't go anywhere I am ashamed of, so it is no big deal to me, but I don't like the thought of big brother watching. It is none of the governments business.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: While I am on a roll ,,might as well

Yep Onstar and they keep a record of where you have been. Wife has it I do not want it. Total invasion of privacy. We must not give up our freedom for temporary security, if we do freedom will be lost forever.