Where's all the water coming from???


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 7, 2002
Glad to hear is wasn't anything more serious. You've now learned a valuable lesson and you've also helped me with a self reminder.<br /><br />Note to self: Drain all water from motor in winter<br /><br />Happy boating,<br /><br />Dymo


Jun 26, 2002
Where's all the water coming from???

I checked my 1998 Manta Ray 179 out , charged the battery and made sure the drain plug was in and headed out on the lake. This was the first time after sitting on the trailer for the winter. Launched the boat, parked the truck, came back and fired her up. Man was it running well... 2 guys at the ramp commented on what a nice looking boat it was. So I headed out to the big water and the boat wouldn't take full throttle. I nursed this thing along for about a half mile before I put it in neutral and raised the engine cover. The engine comparment was being pumped full of water because this dummy (ME) hadn't removed the engine drain plug and a freeze plug had blown out of the motor.<br /> Anyway... no other boats in sight, this thing is too darned heavy to paddle, so head back...with my wife in the back keeping an eye on the water level. Thankfully I made it back to the ramp where I tied it off and let the bilge pump do it's job for about an hour before loading up and going back home. NOW I make sure that the water is TOTALLY drained from the block in winter. This could have been a very expensive screwup but turned out ok for me.... cheap lesson learned.


Aug 7, 2002
Re: Where's all the water coming from???

Glad it turned out ok.<br /><br />Rented small fishing boat w/10hp merc. one day w/two friends. Great lake for fishing but the winds come up fast and furious. We were at the south end of the lake in a cove on the backside of the island when we noticed a lot of boats heading back up the lake in a hurry. Decided to head out and see why.<br /><br />As soon as we came out from behing the island, we turned head-on into 40mph winds. The waves were breaking over the bow. We weren't making any headway when I noticed that I was sitting more than ankle deep in water. <br /><br />Now, one of my buddies is big, 6'4", about 290lbs. He is sitting in the middle, but as the water shifts in the boat, it tips and he tips. I quickly realized that we were not going to make it back to the marina, so I turned stern to the wind and headed back to the island. We were actually wave riding now, which only managed to bring water in from the stern as well. <br /><br />We made it about 20 yards from the shore and she went down. We managed to save most of the fishing gear but lost a camera, and other things. <br /><br />Ended up stranded, soaked and quite cold, on the island until we saw the Sheriff patrol go by. Even she was having a hard time in the swell, but noticed us. They had closed the lake due to the wind and come to find out, the marina realized one of its rentals had not returned. They contacted the Sheriff and she came looking for us.<br />Had we been in our own boat, would have spent a quiet evening with Gilligan, Ginger, the Professor and Mary Ann....


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2002
Re: Where's all the water coming from???

That must of been quite an experience, dmatt! Were you held liable for the boat? What did the patrol have to say?


Aug 7, 2002
Re: Where's all the water coming from???

There was quite a long bow line attached and we managed to pull it in a good distance. The boat was still a good 5' in the water, b/c of the weight we couldn't pull it up out of the water, but we tied off the rope. The patrol said to leave it there, the marina would come get it tomorrow. The guy at the marina had no problem with that.<br /><br />The patrol didn't enjoy having to come out for us but when we explained where we were there was nothing that we could have done. We could not even tell that the wind had kicked up b/c we were sheltered by the island.<br /><br />funny thing is, at first we were laughing at the waves breaking over the bow and smacking my friend in the face. Figured we were just going to get wet on the way back. Our attitudes changed quickly as our boat transformed into a low-rider.