Re: Where to Launch in Peoria, IL?
Safe yes, channel is marked. But in a few places, the river gets wide and the markers get pretty far apart. If you pass one and head at the wrong angle, you'll be in less than 5' of water very quickly. My two main navigating devices during the day are my eyes and my depth gauge! There is also a bit of debris left over from the high water we have had. Most of it is outside the channel, but keep a look out. Also, the water is still up a couple of feet, so even if you are outside the channel, you'll be in 5' of water instead of the usual 2 to 3' of water. The bottom is very sandy, so an impact is not the worst thing.
The Illinois River after the bend south at Spring Valley is nothing like the first part of the Illinois River near Ottawa and all that. Different terrain, wider, slower, almost not like you are on the same river at all. The most obvious sign of that is that the dams are about 10 miles apart up there, yet it's 72 miles from Starved Rock Lock & Dam to Peoria Lock & Dam. And just about another 70 to the next (and final) dam after that!
Have a good time.
When/if you dock downtown, don't believe the signs, the docks are free. You can tell who the out of towners are, they are the ones trying to put money in the machine!