Where to get Volvo 3.0 GLP-E impeller??

Feb 28, 2009
Apparently parts for VOLVOS are a pain to find. It's an 07 3.0 Penta GLP-E motor. 107 hrs, lots of shallow driving in sand where I'm at. Need a new impeller. Anybody know where to get one from? I found a raw water pump rebuild kit that has the impeller but it's like 60 bucks. Doesn't interest me. I just want an impeller here folks. Took me like 3 trips to West Marine and hours with them on the phone to Sierra and finally had a couple on order. They still haven't com in weeks later.

Anybody have this motor and know where to get just the impeller? Volvo stopped making it.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Where to get Volvo 3.0 GLP-E impeller??

Volvo Penta Parts
Volvo Penta Props
Volvo Drive Assemblies
Volvo Penta Manuals

Ayuh,... Right at the top of this page,.... Click on Volvo parts....


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Where to get Volvo 3.0 GLP-E impeller??


Welcome...i know Bondo is a bit sharp angled..and his understanding of marine mechs goes beyond what you would ever expect in a free online advise forum...

GENIUS...UHHYAHH....:D:D..PSSt if he was your neighbor youd have a barby with steaks and a few cold one's waving with a smile when he pulled up after work...taking his off time to fix your boat as neighbor's do for each other..;)..Kinda like syncing 3 502's or something like that..making sure that your x-demsion wasn"t to skewed..or your cam profle didnt go beyond 112 lsa witha lobe angle of etc..etc...etc..

Stick witha volvo part for 10 buck's..Been there done that.

Strickly a opinion your milage may vary just a tad.