Where to get S-80 or M-80 tester, or alt. tests?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
I'm troubleshooting an ignition problem (no spark on all 4) on my 1973 Johnson 85HP v4 and my Seloc book references an S-80 or M-80 neon tester that I need to properly check out the charging coils and/or the power pack. I can't find any info on where one of these may be bought, can anyone assist with info on how/where to get one, or an alternate tester, or an alternate method to test out these components?<br /><br />I've already located and replaced a bad rectifier, have confirmed proper ground of the powerpack/coils, have disconnected the yellow/black lead to the remote, tried 2 new batteries, so I need to go to the next level.<br /><br />If anyone wants to take a crack at suggesting posibble fixes that would be great too, the most interesting symptom is that twice now, for no apparent reason, I've had it pop a few times, then even start and run smooth for a few seconds, then cut right out and not start again. I've removed all 4 plugs and checked spark and there's nothing, nada, zip (though of course there is obviously spark for those few seconds when it pops/runs). I've tested it many times and only those 2 times did it appear to want to start.<br /><br />I'm thinking a marginal component in the powerpack or the stator/charging coil assembly, but since these are kind of pricey items I'd like to be sure before I buy parts.<br /><br />I had the flywheel off and did a visual inspection, buffed off the light rust on some of the magnetic surfaces under there, nothing looked amiss, no leaking goo, wires look good too.<br /><br />Thanks all,<br /><br />Jason


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: Where to get S-80 or M-80 tester, or alt. tests?

Found a partial answer to my own question by doing some more searching, apparently a peak reading multi-meter will do the trick, and saw the post on inserting 10ohm resistor to allow reading the higher values, but now I need to know what values I should be looking for as I test the charging coil output and the powerpack output.<br /><br />The manual only says to watch for the state of the light on the neon tester, anyone able to help me to help myself by providing me voltage levels I should be looking for? <br /><br />Much appreciated, thanks!<br /><br />Jason


Rear Admiral
Sep 24, 2003
Re: Where to get S-80 or M-80 tester, or alt. tests?

Charge coil- 230+ volts, Sensor- .3+, power pak-170+. These specs. are for a Steven's peak reading volt meter. My findings have been, you need more like 1.5 volts on the sensor test.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: Where to get S-80 or M-80 tester, or alt. tests?

Muchas gracias!<br /><br />While I was waiting for a reply I went out and did my resistance reading on the 2 charge coil leads and got 400k Ohms on each, expecting about 750 +/- 10%.<br /><br />No adapter for peak voltage, and can't find my danged fluke since I cleaned the garage, but used an older analog meter for a/c (with black/yellow removed) and got about 40-50v a/c from each to ground, and about 150v a/c across the coils (while cranking).<br /><br />The ohm test appears to indicate a failed stator, don't know how bogus my a/c test results are with this meter.<br /><br />I'm wondering though if the consistency of the results across both charging coils might indicate a grounding problem rather than a failed stator.<br /><br />I'll pop the flywheel again and check on that a little later, and will value any/all feedback on these results and the possibility of a grounding issue.<br /><br />Any advice on how to check grounding (just through the mounting bolts? ground wire?) on the stator assembly will also be welcomed, thanks so much to RJ for the info and to all who assist us learners!<br /><br />Jason


Rear Admiral
Sep 24, 2003
Re: Where to get S-80 or M-80 tester, or alt. tests?

The ohm's reading on the charge coil should be 910 ohms +, or- 75 The sensor should be 8.5 ohms +, or - 1.0. To check for ground, select a good ground on the engine block, and test each lead to that. You check resistance between #2, and #4, then #1, and #3 on the sensor leads. Between brown, brown-orange on the charge coil. All leads are tested to ground, one at a time. All leads disconnected from the pulse pak.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: Where to get S-80 or M-80 tester, or alt. tests?

Thank you sir, that's just how I did it. The sensors ohm'd out perfectly. I grounded to the lug that ties into the battery negative lead so I know I have good ground there.<br /><br />What I'm wondering is if there's some unusually high resistance in the path from the stator itself to ground, or is it normal to have both charge coil leads give the exact same reading when in a failed state? Like so:<br /><br /> |------------|<br /> | Stator |--------Brn|Brn/Org------<br /> |------------| |<--red<br /> | -----<br /> |<---Ground path [Hi res here?] |Meter|<br /> | -----<br /> | |<br />|--------------------------------------| |<--blk <br />| Power Head Block |--|<br />| |<br />|--------------------------------------|<br /><br />Got home too late to pop the flywheel tonight, will update tomorrow.<br /><br />I'm learning a lot from this and from my searches, thanks again Mr J for the help!<br /><br />Jason


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: Where to get S-80 or M-80 tester, or alt. tests?

Well, my ascii art attempt got butchered by the auto-formatting, hopefully you get the picture though, so to speak...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: Where to get S-80 or M-80 tester, or alt. tests?

OK, got my motor running, I made the rookie mistake of starting more than one thread on this, so am trying to make amends by commenting each thread that touched on this so maybe someone can learn from whichever thread they come across in the future.<br /><br />My problem was the powerpack. I was ohm testing my stator incorrectly, on this engine you test from brown to brown/yellow leads, I was following a post for another motor and testing from brown to ground, and brown/yellow to ground. End result? New "spare" stator...<br /><br />Original problem was no spark on all 4, except that I was able to get it to light off a couple of times (out of dozens of attempts) for a few seconds. In hindsight it makes sense, if the charging cap in the powerpack was failed/flakey...<br /><br />Happy boating to you all, and thanks for the help you guys, you all are really appreciated!<br /><br />Jason