I belive I found the problem with my motor. I found a rigged up wire going to the stator. Someone actually put a cable tie on it tring to hold it tight against the stator to make contact. I guess from it arcing it made the stator burn up.<br /><br />I called the local shop and from my #'s she seem's to think my motor is a 90, but didn't seem to sure at all. It's supposed to be a 89. Can anyone confirm these #'s, and tell me if this is the correct part #. <br /><br />Model# 1508E9A<br /><br />Serial# 017996<br /><br />The part # she say's is right,,,<br /><br />300F721095-1<br /><br />Also, can you guy's recomend any good part's source's. Thank's, Cal