Last week was out at Cochiti Lake/dam; 6th time out in my new 16 ft Tracker Grizzly 1648 MVX SC with 30 hp Merc. Trying to fish with a little success when it got cloudy with obvious heavy rain in the distant mountains. Decided to beach it, eat lunch and watch the weather. Half way through lunch I could see whitecaps out on the lake and the wind was coming up, a few minutes later I chucked my lunch into the bushes and tried to get the boat turned around. I did turn it but by now the waves were 2-3 ft and breaking on the shore trying to shove the boat sideways and driving the stern into the gravel. Kept trying to pole it off enough to lower the motor but all I could do was try to keep it facing the waves with the pole. Very quickly the waves were breaking over the bow and I was ankle deep in water. The bow was floating but the bottom of transom and skeg on motor were stuck in gravel. Ran back to turn on bilge pump. In those two steps the waves turned the boat parallel to the shore and started to flip it. Bent one pole getting her back to facing the waves. Kept poling like this for 1.5 hours, then driving freezing rain started. No rain gear, soon soaked to skin, temp about 55 degrees. Thinking getting fuzzy: swim the anchor out 100 ft and pull boat out? Sure way to drown! Finally the gaps between the waves got longer, poled out about 10 ft, ran back to lower motor and go WOT before the next set hit. Bilge still pumping a solid stream, has been going for over an hour steady by now, wondering where the hole is? Ran wide open slamming through the waves, about a mile back to the launch. Tied up to floating dock to get trailer and finally bilge stops pumping. On the trailer I see some paint missing below transom and note that the intake screen for the livewell is crushed and the housing is screwed half out but no holes or broken welds. Lesson learned. Anchor off the beach, bring foul weather gear, pay attention to the weather DUH! Make the bilge pump your new best buddy. Bring your other best buddy to stand in the surf and push the boat off the beach. Oh yeah when I got home had to wring out the cash in my pocket and spread it out to dry.