What's the difference between condensers?


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2009
I'm seeing a huge price difference in condensors. For example, for the Volvo AQ130 4 cyl engine, Volvo lists 2 condensors, depending on the distributor. List prices are $27.25 ( PN 24170) and $49.12 (PN 834545) respectively. Both models of distributor use the same coil. I can find both on ebay for less but the later still commands a $35 price tag. Both have the extra wire running to the coil so that's not the issue.

I was under the impression that a condenser was matched to the coil. If that's the case, the only difference should be in the way it's mounted or wired. I can find automotive condensers at a much lower price but not necessarily the same Volvo part number and want to make sure that the rating is the same.

Anyone know about the rating and how it's determined?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
Re: What's the difference between condensers?


you might take a look at the following.


It explains how an automotive points/capacitor ignition works. A condenser is a simple capacitor. (condenser is the "old-days" name for a capacitor)

ANY properly rated capacitor would "work". Most automotive capacitors are probably rated at around 200-400v and somewhere between 0.1-0.35 uF. (micro Farads for you Michael Faraday "Fanboys/Fangirls"!!)

Use the wrong "value" cap, and you'll cause points contact "transfer" and they'll wear out quicker. (If you want to use the "right" cap, you'll need to measure a good one and buy the right value....I can easily measure capacitance with my Fluke 189)

I would just use the OEM capacitor (condenser:rolleyes:) just because it's the right value, and has the mounting tab and correct wire length etc.........

You're talking a price equal to what?.....about 6 gallons of gas?

