Re: what year is my Suzuki?
Serial no: DT8501 F-11042<br /><br />In general, for Suzuki serial number is like this:<br /><br />a) For newer Suzuki that first "1" in a number like 11042 is normally the year it was made, 1981, 1991 etc.<br /><br />b) But between 1975 and 1979 the year is determined by "year-letter" before the engine number this way:<br />A=1975, B=1976, C=1977, D=1978, F=1979<br /><br />So probably your engine is made 1979 since it has "F"<br /> <br />Does that sound reasonable considering the condition your outboard is in?<br /><br />Also the color of newer Suzuki outboard will help tell what year it may be made:<br /><br />Blue engine: 1980-1982<br />Light grey engine: 1983-1988<br />Grey: 1989-1996<br /><br />/Bo