What would you do?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 12, 2010
So my boat is in the shop, I am getting bellows/shift cable/gimbal done, also getting the card redone and a broken motor mount replaced. My total is over $1300 at this point. I didn't want to spend much more than that, however my trim gauge has never worked. I don't use it so it never bothered me. The reason it doesn't work is due to the sending unit. It will be an addition $150ish to have it replaced, putting me close to 1500. Its not something I need, but I will probably sell the boat in the next 2-3 years. Is it worth it? My only worry is when I go to sell it it wont be working.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 24, 2010
Re: What would you do?

So my boat is in the shop, I am getting bellows/shift cable/gimbal done, also getting the card redone and a broken motor mount replaced. My total is over $1300 at this point. I didn't want to spend much more than that, however my trim gauge has never worked. I don't use it so it never bothered me. The reason it doesn't work is due to the sending unit. It will be an addition $150ish to have it replaced, putting me close to 1500. Its not something I need, but I will probably sell the boat in the next 2-3 years. Is it worth it? My only worry is when I go to sell it it wont be working.

If you got the money and are ok with doing it might as well since you have it in the shop already. This way you don't have to take it back to the shop to do it again.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 8, 2009
Re: What would you do?

If you are wondering if you can/will recover the expense of the additional repair when you sell it, most probably not.

Will it help the boat sell because all the gauges work, probably yes.

I for one would replace the unit and get the trim gauge working. It is an important instrument in my eyes.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 25, 2009
Re: What would you do?

just replaced all the above this spring. Wish I'd replaced both sending units, (they come as a set). Now I'll have to replace this fall when i put the boat away and will be a pita. 150 extra sounds a little steep with all the other work getting done, but worth it for both. Just "get'er done" :D

You'll use it for 2-3 years you have the boat and it "IS" worth the money.
If only for saving the wear and tear on the gauge from the finger tapping.:D


Jun 10, 2010
Re: What would you do?

I'd have them do it, the marginal extra cost will be minimal. Murphy's law dictates that if you don't do this now, you'll end up doing it later. Then you might have to pay more.
Did you ask them how much the job would cost stand alone?
That information may help you decide.

If it's $150 now and about $150 later, I could see delaying. If it's $150 now but $400 later, I'd be more likely to get it done now.

The $400 figure I put above is just a number I grabbed for example, I have no idea how much this work would cost stand alone.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: What would you do?

I have never found the trim gauges to be useful. I would think a newbe might think they are, however, as his experience grows he will find that trimming by feel and ear are much superior.

I would skip the repair. especially if the boat is older.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 12, 2010
Re: What would you do?

Actually we are going to do it, everything else on the boat has been redone. I would think that being an 87 in perfect shape will have better resale than one that needs something. Hopefully When I sell it in a few years I can list is as perfect condition and get a few grand out of it.

Texas Parrothead

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 9, 2009
Re: What would you do?

It will put a buyers concerns to ease when you say everything is working, instead of "everything is working except the trim guage." kind of helps remove doubt on the buyers part as to what else might not "really" be working.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 17, 2010
Re: What would you do?

If someone were buying the boat and the gauge didn't work, then they are automatically going to ask you to knock off a couple hundred because of it. The thing is though, that nothing says if you fix it now that it will not be broken again in 3 year. That's a long time.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 12, 2010
Re: What would you do?

Thats pretty much what I was thinking. I would personally assume lack of maintenance if something isn't working when I went to buy it.