What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???


Dec 26, 2011
Hi All, I have just found and joined this great site. I have just bought an old Haines Hunter v163 with a 90 Force on it. Iam new to boats and wondered what this hose coming out of the gbox was for and where it is meant to go and what year would this outboard be ? There seems to be no id on it anyhwere. Thanks for any help.


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  • Force outboard.JPG
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Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

That is a hose from the impact hole in the front of the leg to a water pressure speedometer. If you run your finger down the front of the lower unit, about halfway between the gearcase and cavitation plate you will find a small hole, about 1/8 inch or slightly less in size. Since your boat appears to have a depth finder/speedometer transducer mounted on the transom, the previous owner probably elected not to use it.

While underway, water will squirt from this black hose but it will not harm anything. If it annoys you, screw in a stainless screw or bolt to seal it.

Year: There were four versions of that lower unit made between 1991 and 1994 so that engine is most likely somewhere in between those years. Judging by the graphics, probably 93-4. To be sure look on the mounting clamp opposite the tilt motor. There will be an aluminum tag with model and serial number. Someone here will be able to give exact year using them.


Dec 26, 2011
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

Thanks heaps Frank. No cause to worry then. There are no tags anywhere. Must have been taken off somewhere along its life. I have a receipt when the old owner bought it off a boat shop but no year on that either. Just thought it would be good to know if I need a part in the future. I have heard good and bad stories about Force motors. Are they any good ??


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

My guess is older, 1989-1992.

The graphics don't appear to be stock original.

Also, the newer motors used the Mercury tilt and trim which looks different from yours, if that is stock.

If you post a photo of the fuel pump, and the ignition components, I should be able to pinpoint the year for you.


Dec 26, 2011
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

Thanks for your reply Roscoe.

Here is 2 other pics I have of the motor. Hope this helps.


  • Force 3.JPG
    Force 3.JPG
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  • Force 4.JPG
    Force 4.JPG
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Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

OK, here goes. Your motor has.....

a 2 stage fuel pump, last used on 1992c models.

A Mercury rectifier and Mercury switchbox with screw terminals, used on models 91H thru 92C

So you have a 91H or a 92a, 92b, or 92c model.

They also used several different carbs in 1991 and 1992, so if you order a carb kit, make sure you match the kit to your carb model number.
Also, the top, center, and bottom carbs are different, and not interchangeable.

Thats a decent motor with decent power.
Reliable ignition too.

Looks very clean and original.


Dec 26, 2011
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

Thanks Roscoe. It does seem to go really well with heaps of power. The tilt leaks as soon as you put it up though. Takes about 15-30 seconds for the motor to drop back down after putting it up. Any ideas what that would be ?
This forum is awesome. Been on for half a day and finding out so much info already. Force are not so common here in New Zealand.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

93 94 c model drive.Hyd pump is bad.
Guy on here called RRitt has a site on e-bay he rebuilds the pump.Look him up.
The Force following in Au. is small,look on here for a few of the regular posters.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???


If your pump has these screw in valves---Very frequently these valves go bad. There is a small O-ring inside that disintegrates and if you replace it the valve will hold pressure again. There is a tecumpseh and a Briggs/Stratton part that will fit. If you searce, there is a thread that mentions them. It is a relatively easy replacement because the top part with the small O-ring prys apart right at the ring and can be pressed together again if you do not ****-up the surfaces.

As a stop-gap procedure: Since the up holding valve gets all the pressure and abuse it almost always fails before the down valve. The up valve is in the pump facing you and the down is facing the transom. SO: If you loosen the motor and pump, using a 1/4 inch allen wrench, you can switch valves and the tilt may work again for a while.

EDIT---UH! Forgot! You MUST support the engine if you remove this valve as it will slam down and spurt oil everywhere.

Rest easy. Force is no better or worse than any other brand outboard. It is entry level and does not have all the bells and whistles--like oil injection-- but sometimes that is a bonus. The brand was discontinued by Mercury for two reasons. The old school crossflow engine was too difficult to modify to meet anticipated emissions regulations and Mercury already had an entry level brand with Mariner.

Hey Roscoe: Yeah the graphics look different but remember: This is Australia--Merc sent all the crappy looking stuff down there. They'll buy anything. LOL
Oh, boy. Now I did it. All the Aussies are gunna come up here to get me.
Actually, very clean looking graphics. I like them.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

And he's a New Zealander, not an Aussie. You are indeed in trouble now Frank.


Dec 26, 2011
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

Thanks Frank, very helpful, and yes Roscoe, New Zealander not Aussie. Its North Island, South Island and about 900 miles to the west across the Tasman sea its Mouth Island :D No only joking, Aussie's a very nice place, they are our big cousin and alot of kiwis move there anyway for the climate. Only 4 million of us left here now. Thanks for everyones help. Here's one for ya Frank http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOgNZVHMAJk

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

Oh, yeah! Deathproof! I watched that movie more than a couple of times===radical. Tarantino has some serious issues.

Sorry about not reading your full post and realizing you were a Kiwi but you know: There are two symptoms of Alzheimers: One is loss of memory ===and I don't remember the other.


Dec 26, 2011
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

No thats sweet, I see you have a sense of humour so was just having a laugh. I can see that this is a great site and is going to cost me many hours in time as it is addictive.

Have a great day.

chrome dome

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 24, 2010
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

we got away with claiming Phar Lap as ours..
we got away...JUST..with a minor lapse of judgement with an underarm cricket incident, some kiwis have no sense of humour about that LOL
we TRY and claim their trout fishing as ours,

we will NEVER claim Russell Crowe as ours.. can you take him back...pleeease??


Dec 26, 2011
Re: What this hose for and what year is this outboard ???

Hi Chrome Dome, I know what you mean, some people have no sense of humour at all, but that Aussie under arm !!!! lol We'll take back Russell Crowe if we can have Nicole Kidman for a few nights as well :D:D