What test line to use??

Denis Kansier Sr.

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 8, 2002
After sitting around the lakehouse this weekend, I had a thought and wondered what was the right answer? How do you determine what test line to use and is the 'test number' supposed to be 'equal or greater' than the fish you are planning to catch? For instance if I rig with a 10lb test should the line break with a 12 pound fish???


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: What test line to use??

I always select the heaviest line that I feel is appropriate for the clarity of the water and my selection of bait presentation. And whether I'm fishing in heavy cover (hydrilla or treetops or whatever). <br />__Size of fish is secondary, since you've got to get them to bite first. <br />__The action of the rod, drag setting on the reel, and line stretch all combine to keep a fish from breaking off. <br />__The drag should be set such that line will strip from the reel before it reaches it's breaking point. And that point will vary depending on the rod. Tie or hook the line to a stationary object, small pet or neighborhood child, and see how much force it takes to break the line, and set the drag a little lighter. <br />__But once you go above 16 or 17 lb line, a lot of rods will break before the line does - I've snapped two graphite rods pulling on snagged lures. <br />__Also, I've found that I absolutely cannot break Power Pro 30lb braided line, and it's got the diameter of 6lb mono. I can't even cut a lure off with my teeth! Doesn't stretch at all, though.<br />__The knot is usually weaker than the line strength. And some fish like crappie have tender lips that tear out easily.<br />__Just get out there and get a big 'un on, and if she wants to take line, let 'er have it. She'll tire out sooner or later!


Sep 29, 2002
Re: What test line to use??

you'll get better responses, but here's my take. in smaller, freshwater applications, your line is probably going to be rated heavier than the fish you will probably catch. you can use 8, 10, 12 lb line to go after small mouth bass, but you probably won't catch one that large.<br /><br />usually the same in saltwater, nearshore fishing. i use 25 lb test on my striper trolling rigs, with 40 or 50 lb leaders. while i could hook up to a monster, i usually catch things smaller.<br /><br />for heavy offshore applications, they will run 60-150 lb line, but can catch much heavier fish.<br /><br />in any case, it all comes down to your drag. my rule of thumb is setting the drag to be 1/3 the weight of the line. so if you are using 10 lb test, set your drag to 3 or 4 lbs to start. as you fight the fish, you may have to increase your setting, but you increase the chance of breaking the line.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: What test line to use??

Also test your drag by pulling on the line with the pole bent.<br /><br />The drag will slip easily if you are pulling line directly off the reel.<br /><br />But it is different when you have the line threaded thru the guides and the pole is bent.<br /><br />I have caught many northern and a walleye or two that weighed more than the line test.

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: What test line to use??

I use mostly 6 or 8 pound test mono line because I like the way it casts and I have caught fish as large as 15 pounds on it. Just keep your drag loose so the line won't break when the fish does that sprint thing.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: What test line to use??

I use synthetic line, or sometimes a cotton synthetic braid, I find that the synthetics hold up better.<br /><br />Reel manufacturers generally reccomend a natural line, in the 6-12# range, but I like the 7-11 # Sythetics, even though its not the "Reccomended" weight, they seem to hold up better when the going gets tough.<br /><br />Sorry, couldnt resist. :p :p :p :p


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 4, 2001
Re: What test line to use??

Light line & a good drag.<br />I recently read something online (and if it's online it HAS to be true) that the reason to use a light line is not to make it less visible to the fish (they say the fish can see even the lightest lines), but make it easier for the fish to take the bait. <br />Most fish inhale the water around them sucking the bait in. Light line makes it easier for your bait to move into the fishes mouth. <br />Personally, I use a 6lb (2lb diameter) fireline on just about all my spinning reels. I use it for fishing for bluegill up to walleyes. I've caught big bass & big catfish on it without a break. Even caught a stump where I thought for sure the line would break, instead it bent the hook out, so it's strong enough to hold a fish. <br />Like other have posted, a good drag, set properly, is your best defense against line breaks.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 9, 2002
Re: What test line to use??

I've seen guys spool a reel about half way with backing of large diameter mono just to take up space and then tie in about 50yds each of increasing diameter line. <br /><br />This way they could rip off the heavier line to the next diameter if they feel the fish are being line shy.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: What test line to use??

I cant believe I didnt get even one rise from my post!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: What test line to use??

mono is synthetic; "cotton synthetic" is an oxymoron; don't know what is "natural" line; 7-11# range is within the 6-12# range; ????? sorry, I don't get it :(


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 11, 2004
Re: What test line to use??

Depends on what type fishing I am doing, In the river after big cats with a rod and reel I run 30# and set my drag for about half of that. I have landed several 40# flats and blues using steel leaders. Biggest was 62#. Lakes fishing for bass and such 8# is all I ever use unless I am using live bait and think there might be some cats in the area, then I use 12# both with drag set for about half of line strength.<br />Ray


Oct 8, 2003
Re: What test line to use??

Originally posted by jtexas:<br /> mono is synthetic; "cotton synthetic" is an oxymoron; don't know what is "natural" line; 7-11# range is within the 6-12# range; ????? sorry, I don't get it :(
Went right over everyones head I guess.<br /><br />Im allways talking about synthetic oils, so I was just being a "SMART AZZ" about the synthetic and the natural, "cotton". :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 17, 2004
Re: What test line to use??

:D :D :D Good one LubeDude and looks like you got at least one. :)

Capn Mike

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 10, 2001
Re: What test line to use??

LubeDude, you're too impatient. I got it....just didn't want to encourage you...next thing we know, you'll be talking synthetic trash on the wooden boat forums. :p <br /><br />I always hope my fish weigh more than what my line is rated for....and a couple of days after the fact they usually do ;)