What statement(s) could you have phrased better?


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 6, 2005
Me.<br /><br />My old man was a doctor. Back in the '50's, when GP's did incredible things like house calls every day and general surgery like tonsillectomies and appendicectomies and delivering babies, at a very young age I caused some merriment at a gathering by announcing:<br /><br />"My daddy gets up in the middle of the night in his pyjamas and goes out to give ladies babies."<br /><br /><br />When I was about 17 and working in the bush, I got roped into being best man for a bloke I was working with who'd got his sheila up the duff, on the promise of getting a guaranteed free go at all the bridesmaids. It was put a bit more crudely but in terms that sounded just right to me to get me travel 300 miles to an event I wasn't interested in for people I didn't know to destroy a precious weekend. Oddly enough it didn't turn out like I was promised.<br /><br />The bride's mother gave me a book with rote speeches to respond for the bride on behalf of the bridesmaids. I'd never done this before but I figured I could do better than the stilted book phrases. <br /><br />Moments before the bride shoved a fork into my thigh, I said:<br /><br />"On behalf of the bride, I thank the bridesmaids for their efforts, for I know how hard they must have worked to make the bride look so beautiful today."<br /><br />I ignored the sudden laughter of the assembly, not to mention the wound in my thigh, and carried on in similar vein. It took me ages to work out why my flowery words had caused such problems.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Originally posted by Tinkrrr:<br /> Me.<br /><br /><br />1)"My daddy gets up in the middle of the night in his pyjamas and goes out to give ladies babies."<br /><br /><br />2)"On behalf of the bride, I thank the bridesmaids for their efforts, for I know how hard they must have worked to make the bride look so beautiful today."<br /><br />
#1 LMAO :D :D Damn good work if ya can get it!!!<br /><br /><br />#2) They have a saying here in the south, Bless his heart, he ment well. :D :D


May 15, 2004
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

I'm still translating it so I can understand it...


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Originally posted by azfyrfyter63:<br /> I'm still translating it so I can understand it...
Yea, wonder if he could translate into American, preferably Southern dialect.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 18, 2003
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Aye, two nations seperated by a common language :D <br /><br />Back on topic:<br /><br />1. Said to a patient once: "Just a little pr1ck with a needle" you can guess what the patient said....<br /><br />2. Got called to a cubicle in Accident & Emergency Unit (ER, for the Americans) where a woman had just given birth to a baby and my first words were "where the heck did that come from"......<br /><br />3. The statement I wished I'd rephrased was "I do" :D :D


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 6, 2005
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Sorry.<br /><br />Forgotten the exact quote. Winston Churchill said something about the US and England being two nations united by a different language.<br /><br />As I don't know where the problems are I'll take a stab, and maybe here and there poke a bit of fun.<br /><br /> <br />"old man" = father. <br /><br />"doctor" = medical man. Believed to cure disease. <br /><br /><br />"'50's" = 1950's. <br /><br />"GP's" = General Practitioners. Doctors (see above for definition) in suburbs and country towns treating sick people..<br /><br />"incredible" = not believable<br /><br />"house calls" = incredible (see above) doctors (see above) visiting people in their homes to treat them<br /><br />"tonsillectomies" = surgical removal of tonsils. Highly envied in 1955 as guaranteed diet of ice cream and jelly (not US jelly but proper jelly)<br /><br />"appendicectomies" = appendectomies" being rare occasion on which American term is shorter than proper English term<br /><br />"delivering babies" = doctor (see above) observing process by which foetus (US= fetus) is expelled from host by involuntary muscular spasms in nether regions<br /><br />"pyjamas" = nightclothes consisting of pants and jacket, usually flannel, often striped or in silly patterns. Not used for day wear.<br /><br /><br />"17" = 17<br /><br />"bush" = remote areas with minimal human habitation and lots of bush (see "bush")<br /><br />"roped" = dragooned, shaghaied<br /><br />"best man" = dummy at wedding to make up numbers <br /><br />"bloke" = fellow, man<br /><br />"sheila" = woman, or similar<br /><br />"up the duff" = pregnant, usually unintended (by the bloke, anyway)<br /><br />"promise" = guaranteed root (root = sexual congress which could lead to sheila being up the duff but is not intended by the bloke)<br /><br />"free go" = see "promise" but implies they have been coralled for the exclusive pleasure of the best man, except nobody has told the sheilas<br /><br />"crudely" = see root <br /><br />"300 miles" = three hours of endless tailwagging, powersliding, mudsliding avoiding trucks bogged on the roadside just to do the first 40 miles before the light went<br /><br />"an event I wasn't interested in for people I didn't know to destroy a precious weekend." = I should've stayed where I was<br /><br />"Oddly enough it didn't turn out like I was promised." = I didn't get a root: see "Root".<br /><br />"The bride's mother" = Lucky I didn't get the sheila (see "sheila) up the duff(see "duff")<br /><br />"book" = Thing with words in it sandwiched between two stiff flat things.<br /><br />"rote" = past tense of write?<br /><br />"speeches" = like spokes, but not on a wagon<br /><br />"bride" = sheila up the duff (see above) but not necessarily. Once heard of a virgin bride but yet to be confirmed.<br /><br />"bridesmaids" = see "root" . <br /><br />"stilted" = very tall <br /><br />"fork" pointy thing for eating with. Not tongue.<br /><br />"bride" = see "root<br /><br />"flowery" = extravagant.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 6, 2005
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Originally posted by Bro:<br /> Aye, two nations seperated by a common language :D <br /><br />
I think that might have been the quote I was looking for.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 18, 2003
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

ROFLMAO @ Tinkrr's translations :D :D


Jun 19, 2002
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Very funny..I figured right the first time around...


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Originally posted by Tinkrrr:<br /> "On behalf of the bride, I thank the bridesmaids for their efforts, for I know how hard they must have worked to make the bride look so beautiful today."<br /><br /> It took me ages to work out why my flowery words had caused such problems.
Two possibilities, I think that A) is the most likely probability.<br /><br />A) That without the expended efforts of the bridesmaids, the Bride was a dog. (American translation, she was uuuuuuuuuuuuugly)<br /><br />B) Implying that in her current state, ie the beautiful glow of being with child, that the bridesmaids had something to do with affecting that state.


May 2, 2003
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

It's A, boom. <br /><br />Seeing as the subject is 'foot in mouth' quotes, I must add some quotes from the king - Murray Walker (Formula One commentator).<br /><br />"and that just shows you how important a car is, in F1 racing."<br /><br />"This curcuit is interesting because it has inclines and declines, not just uphill, but downhill also".<br /><br />"I should imagine that conditions in the cokkpit are absolutely unimaginable."<br /><br />"Unless I'm very much mistaken....(pause)....I'm very much mistaken." CLASSIC<br /><br />"There is nothing wrong with the car, except that it's on fire."<br /><br />"I don't make mistakes, I make prophecies that immediately turn out to be wrong."<br /><br />"The lead car is unique, except for the one behind it, which is identical." ANOTHER CLASSIC<br /><br />Aldo


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

While leaning on the counter to write a check the cashier began to rub my flat top.<br /><br />Me: What are you doing?<br /><br />Her: What? Don't you like it when women stroke your head?<br /><br />I looked up and just smiled as she immediatly recognized what she said. Funniest part was in the line behind me were all women :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 6, 2005
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

A friend of mine's girlfriend had to move down a floor in her apartment building for whatever reason.<br /><br />Trying to look at the bright side of things, I said this:<br /><br />"Hey, at least she's going down."


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Aldo sounds like your answer to our Yogi Berra.<br /><br />It ain't over til its over.<br />It's deja vu all over again. <br />Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical.<br />You can observe a lot just by watching.<br />If the people don't want to come out to the ballpark, nobody's going to stop them.<br />I really didn't say everything I said.<br />The future ain't what it used to be.


May 15, 2004
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Was relating a story of a police-involved shooting of a man that violently beat his wife then chased after the responding policeman with a double-sided battle axe.... was speaking to the crowd when I said... and I quote, "The officer arrived to find the assailant beating off on his wife.." wow, that REALLY sucked.<br /><br />If you cringed when you read it, then maybe you take pity on me, if not... then you are a cold, heartless soul.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

ROFLMAO...@ The interpitations<br /><br />Ironic that here "Getting Sheila up the duff" leaves no possability of pregnancy, and usally comes well after the ceremony :D <br /><br />And I cannot help but to hope that the police no longer shoot perpatrators for the above offense. Just kinda seems harsh punishment for the crime :D

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Absolutely brilliant Tink :D <br />Cheers<br />Phillip


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: What statement(s) could you have phrased better?

Originally posted by neumanns:<br /> ROFLMAO...@ The interpitations<br /><br />Ironic that here "Getting Sheila up the duff" leaves no possability of pregnancy, and usally comes well after the ceremony :D <br /><br />
Funny neumanns, I heard that where Lawyers came from!! :D :D <br /><br />As for quotes not mine, but good none the less here ya go.<br /><br />The wife of an English couple. Friends' of ours who had recently immigrated to the US, to the husband of an American couple that were staying in the same Hotel as them. "Will you knock me up before breakfast, love???"<br /><br />A High School aged Australian girl new to the US To the guy behind her in class, who BTW has been hitting on her ever since her arrival. Well them, do you have a rubber?? She wanted to borrow an eraser!!<br /> :D :D