Re: What should the toung weight be on a boat trailer?
Re: What should the toung weight be on a boat trailer?
A general purpose, commonly used, Class II, receiver hitch is rated to 5,000# tow capacity with 10% tongue weight capacity. Add antisway trailer towing tensioner and it goes up 2x.
You need the tongue weight to keep the trailer stable while towing and I guarantee you don't want to be near one that is blasting down the interstate and goes unstable. I've seen a 16' tandem utility trailer take both lanes and the shoulder and in the process take out both rear panels on a P/U truck and it happened in a heartbeat; one heartbeat. It tain't pretty. it's unbelieveable how fast that a seemingly otherwise stable trailer can move that far, that fast.
Also, interstate again, the lighter the tongue wt. the easier it is for a passing semi, expecially the ones with the big boxes in tow, to suck the boat over in their lane and after they pass, the vacuum is gone and it turns your boat loose causing it to move (overshoots) back in your land and wiggle for a minute while it settles back down.
Don't worry about lifting the tongue; just store it on a concrete floor and use a good quality dolly wheel; piece of cake.