What should be covered under warranty?


Oct 22, 2007
See "Tohatsu MFS4BL No Love" thread.

Motor is one year old.
Motor was taken to dealer for winter service
Motor has had problems since first use on boat after service

Knowing that this could be dirt, carb gumming, etc .. but also knowing that motor was just back from dealer ...

Should any of this be covered under Tohatsu warranty? Should dealer normally cover any of this as a service warranty? Is this just one of those things where customer should pay for entire service cost?



Jul 22, 2004
Re: What should be covered under warranty?

Defective parts and any problems attributed to workmanship are covered by warranties. Anything other than that is not covered...All outboard manufacturers have the same language so it isn't anything unusual. Dealers honor the manufacturers warranty and do not have any responsibility to cover anything themselves...The exception being anything that they do that they charge you for and that would be covered under their internal shop warranty. That internal warranty is usually 30 to 90 days long and covers anything that they made a mistake on. IE 1)They replace a widget on your engine and they installed it upside down. They would be responsible to correct that mistake. 2) They replace a widget on your engine and that part fails. They have zero responsibility as any warranty would be the responsibility of the widget manufacturer. 3) They replace a widget and then a doodad fails. No responsibility as they did not have anything to do with the doodad.

Always keep in mind the difference between a warranty and a guarantee.