What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?


Oct 23, 2006
I will be interviewing a professional Prop repairperson February 10, 2007. I am looking for questions to ask. I will make the audio available to those who participated.

I hope to hear from you.

Successful Boating



Seaman Apprentice
Jun 10, 2005
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Propsy ?

Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Propsy ?

Please ask the repairer to explain cupping in detail by addressing the following issues:
1. Explain when you need and when you don't need tip cupping.
2. Explain how to determine the extent of trailing edge cupping needed.
3. How does blade camber influence cupping required?




Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

1. What will a particular prop do for me; my rig as setup; hole shot, top end, efficiency? I realize that he can't answer that per se, but it would be nice to know when one is contemplating a prop purchase.

2. What in the prop makes for bow lift; stern lift?

3. Where do you measure pitch, especially with a high perf SS prop and especially with variable pitch?

4. Why would you NOT port your prop?



Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

Don't record your interview. Bad move! Even worse to broadcast it over the internet. Take notes or have him fill out a questionaire. And again it's a private matter. Keep it off the net. When hiring ANY professional, treat him/her with respect. These guys don't grow on trees. What you're proposing is incredibly unprofesssonal.

Are you hiring a rebuilder as an employee? What is your line of business? Ask about training, experience, and talk to former employers. Toss the personal reference list in the garbage can. Applicants pad those with friends that would never say a bad thing about them. But don't take everything a former employer offers as gospel either. The fact that he/she is a former employer is just as likely to be because of a bad employer as a bad employee. Being a former employee usually means there was a problem that couldn't be resolved. That's usually a 2-way street, but not always.

I'll give you a for-instance. I worked at the local marina for five years. The owner and I didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things, especially his policy of taking and selling his trade-in boats with no inspection whatsoever. But after being let go, I heard through the grapevine that he was badmouthing me saying I was doing shots of peppermint schnapps over lunch. I have very mild hayfever and asthma. Sucking on a Halls is all it usually takes to keep the pipes open. Peppermint Halls does the best for me. ( BTW he sold the biz, it went belly-up, and is for sale by the receiver at a ridiculous price nobody will ever pay (to make up for the losses). )

If you are just having a prop rebuilt, then two things come to mind.
First, I just got a lot of finger exercise and something off my chest. ;)
Second, contact the service departments of local boat dealers. They see tons come in and go out and usually deal with the best. Here, I like one rebuilder for props and antoher for skegs. One does better work on props and the other does bettter work on skegs. But they both do both. By dealing with the two, I get the best results for the customer and the rebuilds usually look like brand new. And while both would prefer I did my business with them and not the other, they both appreciate the business they get. Once you decide, the two questions that come to mind are how much and how soon.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

How do you think the person will feel when he finds out this interview is plastered all over the web and people are shooting holes in his/her responses. Those responses can be misconstrued because of poorly worded questions. If you are hiring and have to come here for questions, you are the wrong person for this interview because you would not know whether the answer is valid or not. Think about this some more. If this is a high school or college class project and the interview is with an acquaintence or friend, that puts things in a little different light but for heavens sake keep the interview off the web. If you are writing an article for a publication you need to do a lot of reading so you can ask intelligent and pertinent questions.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

Actually getting any new insight to a prop design would be enlightening, but we do have one hell of a mod here called walleyehed,and or Dhadley.

If you want some insight, i'd see those two

Ron G

Apr 28, 2005
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

Tail_Gunner said:
Actually getting any new insight to a prop design would be enlightening, but we do have one hell of a mod here called walleyehed,and or Dhadley.

If you want some insight, i'd see those two
;);)Thats what i was going to say too.theres alot more to props than just props,you got to have the set-up too.every prop runs different at different X factors and trim levels also..and theres alot more than cupping pitch and rake than people relize.i've learned so much from these guys.
So theres noway you can interveiw one guy and get the answers!everyboat hull responds different to every prop!its a science and a calucated guess ,thats my 2 cents of it.not that it matters,good luck in your interveiw just dont let it end up like in the bassmaster magazine all confusioning.


Oct 23, 2006
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

deleted. see below response.


Oct 23, 2006
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

deleted. see below response.


Oct 23, 2006
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

Okay, so after reading some responses again, I see where some confusion may have come up...

I am "interviewing" this person in the same way a reporter or newscaster would. Not from an employer standpoint.

So perhaps the use of the word "interview" is the problem. This will be a recorded tele-conference or conference call with me on one end and him on the other.

He will be given some of these questions before hand. So my intention is to get questions you guys have about boat props and ask this gentleman those questions so they can be answered from the standpoint of a professional.

So that brings me back to; What is your #1 question about boat props?



Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

That's easy. The most asked question by customers is "What is the best prop for my boat?". That's a loaded question because it's a combination of the boat and how you use it. That's the answer I would want to hear. Not as a customer, but as one who has had to help customers make the decision.

For the sake of the motor, it would be any prop that allowed the motor to operate at the full recommended RPM with an average load. Luckily for a rebuilder, what the prop is made if, who made it, and how many blades it has is beside the point. He has been presented with a prop to work with.

What the customer wants is optimum speed and quickest holeshot, and the really good prop guys can tweak any given prop to give the best of both worlds, but not without sacrificing a bit of one for the sake of the other. Many also sell used props, so knowing how a prop works is as important as knowing how to make it do it.

Another good question is how do you determine which props should not be rebuilt. What are the criteria?

Which props are the easiest to rebuild? How do you replace the rubber hub? How damaged does a prop need to be before it needs rebuilding? Do you advise rebuilding both props on a dual engine setup even if only one is damaged? Is the finish important for performance, or are shiny props just eye candy? Do you remove old paint from aluminum props and how?


Oct 23, 2006
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

Thank you for your questions.

If anyone has more questions, please let me know

Succesful Boating,



Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: What is Your # 1 Question regarding Props?

Here's another. What have customers brought in that made you scratch your head in disbelief and wonder "What is this person thinking?" ;)

And more practically, why rebuild and not replace? What can I save?