Re: What is WOT for 60horse 4 stroke mercury????
I believe the Merc 60 4 stroke and the Yamaha are very similar, powerheads by Yamaha. I have the Yamaha, and the motor needs to be revved. As a matter of fact, 2 dealers and a local Ymaha rep suggested running in the 5000 rpm area, and be sure to be propped out in the upper range of the 5500 to 6000 max rpm. These motors do not have power to plane in the range of rpms that you have mentioned. I am running a 10" by 11" cupped ss powertech prop, on a 18 foot powercat. @ 5400 rpm, I top out at about 26 mph. A monohull of similar weight, about 1000 pounds, would have less drag, and could likely have a bit more prop and top end.