Re: what is the point?
It don't take 2 batteries to start the boat ! Stop thinking ground think negitive terminal. With no battery switch, (Which I really recomend having) 1 Battery Positive will control the starting & functions of the engine, The negitive will go to the engine block or a common which connects to the engine block. 1 overly simplified circut minus switches, controls etc. The 2nd battery Positive & negitive goe to the Pos. & Neg. on the trolling motor,(Assuming it is an electric trolling motor) & a second set of leads from the second battery, both + & - go to your accessories, either through dash switches or directly. As I said over simplied, but if you start with a drawing you will see the circuts. You can get a book, " The 12 Volt Bible", if you don't want to buy it check the library, my local library has it. It seems to me this is what you asked for, but this is not the best (IMHO) way to hook it up. Good luck, Joe P.S. I say stop thinking ground because people thing it terms of a car where any place on the body or chassis of the car is connected to the neg. of the battery, (Most cars are metal, most boats are not, & even the ones that are, run in water which is a good conducter of electricity, bad for the electrical system) So unless you have a common grounding plate or common ground strip, running through a heavy wire thoughout the boat, think in terms of battery neg.