Re: What is the diff between a chopper and cleaver
Thanks Dhadley,<br /><br />I got real lucky with this boat. It is in real good shape, I picked it up from a Merc mechanic in Wisconsin, was his own boat for the last few years. Motor is real strong, and she sparkles forever. My situation is this, I am gonna have to find a used prop in the 200-250 range, I unfortunately don't have the 600-700 to do it right. I figure if I search around enough I can find a good compromise, get me to 65 mph without breaking the bank. I will probably e bay it as there are some decent prices to be had. I have been told the Lazer II is a good prop. But am interested on some more ideas. I can handle sluggish plaining as I have a good ski prop.I don't wanna waste your friends time if I don't have the cash to really do it right.<br /><br />Thanks again,<br />Kevlar