Re: What is Chine?
Chine, chine, chine...chine of fools..oh, wait, that's an anchoring song about chain, isn't it? The chine on a round bottom boat is the same though less easily described than a slab sided boat. A round bottom boat can have a hard chine or a soft chine depending on the angle of the bottom rise to the sides and radius of the "roll" at the chine. Both chine shapes affect the roll motion of a boat as well, either with a 'soft' chine or a 'hard' chine. The lower the angle of deadrise the harder the chine in general terms. A softer chine, a higher angle of deadrise rolls more but is gentler in a seaway and tends to be more directionally stable than a hard chine, i.e., a V bottom vs. a flatbottom boat for example.