What internal sealant is best?


Feb 25, 2013
I have a 2001 pvc 12ft Sib that loses air pressure after 6hrs of getting inflated
I search high and low for air leaks valves and seams, and nothing. I deflate and stored it indoors.
Maybe its just me i know in colder temp they lose air pressure its still chilly here in California
last time i had it inflated was last summer and the SIB would hold good air pressure for about a week
But the choices for this sealants are a few, West Marine , Toobseal , Inland Marine.
Im just lost in which one is the best as they are not cheap.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Re: What internal sealant is best?

Are you monitoring at a close room, sib inflated to it's max working pressure and checked from time to time at same room temp to check air loss? probably is just a varying temp issue with overall underinflated tubes. Fully inflate all chambers, apply a soappy water throughout the whole sib, check for small air bubbles through sib fabric, seams, air valves to know you have spotted a real leak,

Those mentioned sealents are best for oldies in which outter fabric has become porous and loses constant amount of air, the only way to remedy is applying a good quality internal sealant or inflatable exterior paint coating.

Happy Boating
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