What have you lost overboard???


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 18, 2001
Over the years I've seen many items take that dive into the deep darkness to the bottom of the lake. This is the one that I'll remember most. When I was a teenager my family had a Century cabin cruiser. One Day while at dock, my mom was sitting on the bow, as she and my sister often did. A nice sunny summer day, she decides to slather herself up with some sun tan lotion. I'm in the the back of the boat and all of a sudden I hear a small knocking noise, followed by a small splash, followed by HYSTERICAL screaming and crying. While putting on her lotion she took off her Diamond wedding ring and, you guessed it. Overboard it went.<br /><br />The crowd of nearby boaters came right over and I was elected to dive the 20 feet down in a futile effort to retrive the ring from the foot of silt that was the bottom of the lake. After listen to my dad and others question her on the exact spot it hit the water I made the dive. Much to my surprise, the first spot I sunk my hand into the silt was the jackpot. I quickly put the ring onto my finger and surface the the cheers of my crying mother and a crowd of amazed boaters.<br /><br />Needless to say, my mom stopped wearing jewelry on the boat and I spent the next several years retriving everything from glasses to fillet knives from the lake bottom for every poor soul who had the misfortune of hearing that ugly splash!!<br /><br />Thats my story and I'm Sticking to it!!!!!<br /><br />Giddyup<br /><br />Kramer


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

WOW, Kramer! Your Mom was one lucky lady that day.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)


Re: What have you lost overboard???

I learned to SCUBA at an early age. Used to make a fortune at the marina near my parents cottage. I would just hang out there on busy weekends with my gear in prominent view.<br /><br />The most sought after game was-car keys. You wouldn't believe how many knuckleheads toss car keys around a boat dock.<br /><br />Once had a mate "weigh" the anchor as he watched the bitter end go over the side. :eek:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 23, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Kramer, that was an impressive bit of luck..and nice when someone you love can benefit from it!<br /> the only thing I have lost on the dock was a gas cap, no big deal....I always have trouble underway...hats, sunglasses etc....

Major Woods

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 7, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Lost my old man once off the back of my 22' center console. I told everyone to hold on to something during some rough weather while going out to Marthas Vineyard fishing. Old man let go to light his cigar and went bouncing over the back transom. I knew something was amiss when it got quiet behind me. Turned the boat around and picked him up. Had his life vest on, he was more upset that he soaked his cigar. He now sits down and holds on when told so. :eek:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 24, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

I've donated a few things to the Ashely River here. Some bumpers...several passengers hats... and the worst was a case of soda someone thought would be safe on the back deck of my old bass boat. More my fault by not checking before I laid on the power. Oops. Live & learn!


Jan 22, 2002
Re: What have you lost overboard???

i've lost sunglasses practically every year, several hats, a tacklebox(biggest item)... it was my only one at the time, and a huge box- broke my heart. my fault, left it on back deck of friend's bassrocket. i have been really lucky- dropped 2 rods and snatched them before they got too deep. it helps your reflexes alot when u drop your most expensive rod. have had others drop my rods :rolleyes: <br />since i'm on the losing rods subject-the only reason i avoided this fate, was the once when i flung the whole @#$! baitcasting outfit(fishnewbie then) into a swampy pond, and it landed a good 30yds out-like a javelin, with reel out of water-hehehe had to wade fer it-very nervous about gators too :D my crew (carpenters)were laffin bigtime...had to work rest of day in soggy boots.<br />but on retreiving sunken items...i remember most- when tubing down the Chestatee river with bud & his 7yr old son. his son was very proud of the rough jewels he'd panned out of the river(at little roadside stand with buckets of dredge-u pick/pan from). they probably weren't high quality ruby/emerald/gold nuggets, but his son got them from his own pan, and was very proud of them. they were in a tiny glass bottle, and my bud had them in his shorts pocket. we were jumping off a rock in a deep hole and my bud felt something bounce off his leg, reached into pocket to find a hole :eek: he was heartbroken, his son was too. <br />He thought that was it, the current & rocky bottom would carry this little pencil size tube away. I swam in place in the spot using my feet to feel bottom - water up to ears, and within 15secs felt the little smooth tube. took me 2 dives in the current to get my hands where my feet had been, but when i came up with that tube of gems - his son was so happy! my bud was in shock! hehehe i'll never forget those faces


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 24, 2002
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Hey All,<br /><br />My post sign-off says "Take a Dive, Save the Rod" Well here's where that comes from and here's what went over.<br /><br />I do a lot of night fishing (all night) a few of us get together Fridays after work at a lake 10 min away. Usually we all take our own boats or at most double up. Well this night it was just two of us each in our own boat.<br /><br />Fishin was bad that night, it was about 2 am and we thought we would take a little nap (first time we ever tried that) We thought we would hit the morning feeders before anyone else.<br /><br />We were anchored in about 30 feet of water laying on our decks. To this day I don't know what startled me (I still think it was my buddy) but something wapped on that aluminum hull.<br /><br />I jumped up quick, real quick! Dizzy and half awake and trying to get my balance as the boat was rocking a bit from jumping up, I was about to step forward to settle myself.<br /><br />I looked down and saw three rods on the deck, so I stopped at half step and now I was really unbalanced. (this was all in a span of seconds) Having nowhere else to put that foot I went to step back and banged into the cooler, lost balance completely went head over heels backwards into the lake.<br /><br />It was pitch dark and black in the water, I wasn't awake yet and under water I had no idea where up was.<br /><br />I finally came up (it seemed forever) got back into the boat, couldn't see very well but I could hear my buddy laughing his *** off (LHAO) He laughed for a long time.<br /><br />First thing I did I turned a light on and put the rods in the rack. I than noticed my cell phone that WAS on my belt, well you know...<br /><br />To this day every time out my buddy reminds me to look out for the rods. The roda stay in the rack and cell phone stored on the boat.<br /><br /><br />Sooo Take a Dive, Save the Rod!!! :eek: <br /><br /><br /> :)


Jan 22, 2002
Re: What have you lost overboard???

that is a sobering thought- total darkness underwater... but the sound of someone falling outten d boat!- rotflmao :D <br />glad u were ok tho.<br />i have been in same situation as ur buddy- when i had a old friend and his brother come down to fish in this huge swamp(huge to us anyway-4000+acres). 2am, we're buzzin the moonlit lilypads in middle of open area, i'd paddled @ 100yds away from them.... KerSPLOOSH, cussingfit, banging, yelling. i dropped rod in boat, paddled like --- got there just in time to see buddy hurdle back into canoe! he was scared s---less that a gator would eatem b4 he got back in! in all the flopping around, he didn't realize it was only 4ft deep. he had been in middle of cast when his bro decided to shift in the seat. he got even by making his brother spend rest of night in canoe alone- and since bro didn't know how to paddle alone, he ran into @ 3trees and cussed a fit ea time. hehehe <br />at least when u lost a lure in the swamp u could shinny up the cypress tree to get it back... except the ones with the frisbee-sized wasp nests :eek:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: What have you lost overboard???

My grandfather was a true kiwi "Do it yourselfer" and family history has it that he spent weeks making himself a crayfish pot - which he was very proud of when finished.<br /><br />When it came time to try it out, he and his friend set off from Whangamata harbour to just off Clark Island in his clinker dinghy powered by an old English "Seagull" outboard (wish I could find one of those now).<br /><br />When they found the right spot, my grandfather's friend was very keen to be helpful, so grabbed the cray pot and offered to throw it overboard.<br /><br />My grandfather replied "OK, but you need to...." <br /><br />SPLASH! - over went the craypot - and down it went, 100 feet to the bottom.<br /><br />"....attach the rope...."<br /><br />For those not familiar with crayfish pots - they're a cage with bait and a trapdoor that sit on the ocean floor to trap crays. USUALLY they have a rope attached to a floating marker, so the owner can pull it back up afterwards...<br /><br />My grandfather was stunned and speechless with anger - it took a long time before he could bring himself to talk (let alone laugh) about that day.<br /><br />I still drive past that fateful spot (about 40 years later) and wonder if it's still down there. <br /><br />Maybe I'll take up scuba diving...


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Been debating responding but I guess its time. Ever lose your motor?<br />It was about 1980. Just got my first boat. 1973 Glastron Aqualift with a 50 hp merc recoil start. It ran great and fast, well I thought it did. I was so proud. I was only in my early 20's and I owned a boat. <br />The guy I bought it from had just reinforced the transom with stainless and had not bolted the motor on yet.... just clamped on.<br />Get where I'm heading with this?<br />Zippin across the lake and thru the weeds wanting to fish. Lake was known for big bass. <br />All of the sudden the motor scream stopped and so did the boat rather quickly too.<br />Guess I should have bolted on the motor. It made a great anchor.<br />Glad the lake at that point was very shallow. Another boater help me get the motor into the boat and towed me to the ramp. And of course, there had to be a full parking lot that day. :eek:


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 18, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Reading all the great posts above reminds me of one more from the old marina. Although this one is pretty sad. <br /><br />On the dock were our boat was there was a family with a dog. Well, one day they left the dog on board alone. He was on a leash and tied to something for safety. Unfortunatly the slack in the leash was enough for him to try and jump off the boat and hang himself between the boat and dock.<br />They returned and fond him hanging there. It was pretty sad. I guess there is a lesson in it though. Perhaps telling it here will save someone else from doing the same.<br /><br />Giddyup<br /><br />Kramer


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 27, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Of course sunglasses galore. Only been a boat owner for just over a year. Just learning how to King and whatever bites the bait fish, but have lost a couple things. <br />1. Lost my anchor. Current running fast in ICW, let the rope go right thru my fingers while talking. Tried to bottom troll to catch the rope, 100 foot or so,nope<br /><br />2. Penn downrigger let my buddy mount it onto the base, but I didn't check to see if he tightened it. He didn't. After an hour while changing bait, the downrigger mount turned, and sploosh, down it went in 120 feet of water. Man, I bet my bottom jaw went down 30 feet. Bummer, those things cost--220 bucs new. Right now looking for a used replacement for a reasonable price. I suppose all in all, not too bad.

kenny T

Dec 5, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Well I guess ill own up since,Capt.Ultra did. I was fishin with a buddy in his Carolina Skiff one day and just slap fell overboard gunnel bumped me just below the knee and splash I was standing in 41/2' of water. With my favorite penn reel in hand bone dry, I would like to take credit and say I did something real tricky to accomplish this feat but I have no IDEA how I did it, I laughed my a$$ off for quite awhile. Been fishin 40yrs never went swiming <br />like that before but it was FUNNY. :D :D :D


Re: What have you lost overboard???

Any duck hunters out there?<br /><br />How many of you will admit to "shooting yourself out of the boat". You know, just "a little" off balance with the swing and-SPLASH! :eek: <br /><br />Had to rinse out the Browning A-5 and Win. 101, more than once. Not to mention the Ducktwin. Thank goodness for WD-40.<br /><br />Don't be alarmed! All of the times, never had the safe off and just got "overexcited".


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 8, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Hey Kenny T,<br /><br />Spent today at Aripeka. Thinking of buying a stilt house there. Whadaya think?

Capn Mike

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 10, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Lost the key to my head pump-out cap; was told by the clerk @ West Marine that it was one of their more popular items!<br /><br />But my sad story involves a rod/reel that I'd just purchased for an Alaska trip. Used it for 3 days stream fishing, then got invited for a day of boat fishing. Put out a lure for trolling, then set my rod between my knees while I looked in my tackle box for "something better." Of course, a fish soon pulled the rod & reel out, I made a futile grab for it, and watched the fish (a nice Chinook, thank you)and my rod dance over the water briefly before they both disappeared.<br />Can't decide if the worst part was the giggling of my buddies, or the fact that when I got home there was the credit card bill for my now-gone rod..... :(


Jan 22, 2002
Re: What have you lost overboard???

man that can seriously hurt a good fishing trip :( but at least the fish were biting ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 19, 2001
Re: What have you lost overboard???

Went fishing in my fiberglass swamp boat with 5hp Johnson. Hit a stump and the engine broke off from transom. The only thing that let me know where it was was the gas tank which was luckly almost empty and some how the hose was still attached to the engine. It was just sitting there floating holding my motor. Talk about lucky I was in about 10 ft of water. :mad: