What has happened to Customer Service?


Staff member
May 29, 2003
I am so frustrated right now ... I have rental units and I am really trying to help a young lady and her girl out. They have to move out of their home buy the end of the weekend and are on assisted housing. I have a place that the tenant just moved out of last week, so great, but it needed inspected. There were a couple things that needed repaired, so no problem. I called a company on Friday who told me if I ordered that day I would have delivery by today (they are 500 miles south of me in south eastern North Carolina). I called this morning for tracking info and when I could expect delivery today and they told me it was still in the factory and hadn't been shipped! UGGGH!

I offered to drive down on Friday to pick it up, but they are closed. I offered to drive down tonight is someone would meet me, but nope, owner only would do that and he is leaving today right after work for the weekend. So now I am messed up. The state tells me I cannot move the girl in till the place is inspected. I can't get it inspected till these parts get here, and they won't get here till Tuesday or Wednesday ... GRRRRR! Guess they will move in with my wife and I till I can get this resolved. Sure is a pain in the tuckus. The other part is, they state not only will not let her in till it is inspected, but will not pay till the month AFTER it is inspected. So, if I want to get paid for December, it has to get inspected by Friday evening. So, they stay with me AND I don't get paid for a month because this company lied to me.

If I could find the parts I need or another solution I would cancel the order, but so far, I am out of luck. Everyone else had to order them and giving me 2 weeks ... so now that I have lost a week, I am that much farther behind.

One of the employees implied they would pick up the parts for me and I could get them at their house, if the boss allowed that. Waiting to hear if I have a trip to NC tonight ... there goes Thanksgiving, but I am thankful I have a place where I can help someone, now if others would help me help them ...

Sorry, just had to rant or else I would be screaming at said company ...
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Summer Fun

Mar 2, 2002
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Art, You have a BIG heart just like Bubba with people in need, :thumb:. :thumb:

We need more people like you guys. You guys are #1 in my book. :)

Try to have..... A Great Thanksgiving.

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MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Its sad isnt it. customer service is rare in a lot of places there days. In fact when you do find it its a surprise.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 16, 2011
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

We have had some bad weather that has affected travel north of NC.Maybe that is why they didn't get in on the road. I assume it was not going to be flown in.It is hard to get real fast service from folks needing to be home eating turkey you know.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Go ahead a rant, aspeck. We will listen and won't bark back. You're a good man! :thumb:


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Nope, weather had nothing to do with it ... Just the first person I talked to lied. If they had told me the truth I would have been there last Monday morning and home late Monday night, early Tuesday morning. Alas, no one was able to help me today. No one in the company would be allowed to come back in and open for me, and no one had a truck to load my stuff up to pick it up at their place or some other neutral place. Then I get word the stuff has been shipped today ... Trying to figure out plan D ... If I can fix it another way I will refuse the shipment. If not, I will accept it. I have found a place they can move to that will be their own until ... I am just out of the month's rent and a whole lot of aggravation. No problem about the rent, people are more important than money. Just the aggravation, and now they have to move twice!

The girl I talked to today really tried to help, but her boss and others kept her from doing anything. At least that is what it seemed. The boss was too busy worrying about leaving town so he could enjoy Thanksgiving. He refused to talk to me personally! I could not believe that! Coward!
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May 27, 2007
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Well, looks to me like YOUR customers are getting GREAT service!!!!!!!!!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 9, 2010
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Would it be possible to move the ladies' stuff into the place and let them stay with you/wife..? That way they wouldn't actually "move in", but instead would be using the space for storage.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

This too shall pass..... :)


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Would it be possible to move the ladies' stuff into the place and let them stay with you/wife..? That way they wouldn't actually "move in", but instead would be using the space for storage.
Yea, she doesn't have much, so the few furnishings she has will get moved in. The clothes will go to their "temporary" apartment. The good thing about this is that we will get to see what she has and in turn, what she needs. Till she moves in, what she needs will be there. Have several people that are helping. We are determined to make this holiday season a very special one for her ...


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

The delay of her moving in is allowing you guys to do something special for her that would have been difficult with her already in the rental unit.. Everything happens for a reason......... :)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Unfortunately customer service is fast becoming a thing of the past. I admire what you are doing and applaud you for it. Mrs Ken and I did a similar thing about 12 years ago for a needy family wanting to rent a property we owned. Not only did it make their Christmas season it made ours as well. We are still friends to this day.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 20, 2012
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

No doubt customer service has gone down the toilet. The best saying I've ever heard that relates to your current situation is "no good deed goes unpunished".

Bottom Line: The woman and her daughter will appreciate all you've done and tried to do for them. Who else really matters?


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

It's all part of Karma and you are building up allot of points....... (Not sure if we get to cash those Karma points in for a toaster or a coffee maker :laugh:) and just accumulating those points makes us feel good.

Remember FISHING...... it builds patience and you also learn there are some places you will never fish again because it is a poor area........ keep your patience.....you found a bad fishing spot that will never be recommended or returned to.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

The state tells me I cannot move the girl in till the place is inspected.

Okay, I don't get this part. I can understand, if the state is subsidizing the rent, that they won't PAY until after the place has been inspected. BUT, what authority do they have to tell anyone they can't live wherever they want in the meantime?

If you don't charge rent for those first few days, I don't understand why she couldn't move in.

Just an opinion, of course.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

Okay, I don't get this part. I can understand, if the state is subsidizing the rent, that they won't PAY until after the place has been inspected. BUT, what authority do they have to tell anyone they can't live wherever they want in the meantime?

If you don't charge rent for those first few days, I don't understand why she couldn't move in.

Just an opinion, of course.
If it hadn't been inspected, she could, but since it was inspected and failed, if she moves in the state says she is accepting a place they do not approve of and she will lose the assistance. Anyway, we have it worked out, I believe. I will let you know next week ...
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Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

If it had been up inspected, she could, but since it was inspected and failed, if she moves in the state says she is accepting a place they do not approve of and she will lose the assistance. Anyway, we have it worked out, I believe. I will let you know next week ...

Hopefully the solution includes being able to tell the corporation that scr***d you to stick it in their ear.


Jun 24, 2006
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

If it had been up inspected, she could, but since it was inspected and failed, if she moves in the state says she is accepting a place they do not approve of and she will lose the assistance. Anyway, we have it worked out, I believe. I will let you know next week ...

Yup, there's the catch. If they move in now they can never get assistance this place and would probably have to jump through high hoops to get back on assistance for a different place. Catch 22.

I meant to add, good on ya, aspeck for trying to help the kid out.
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Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: What has happened to Customer Service?

If it hadn't been inspected, she could, but since it was inspected and failed, if she moves in the state says she is accepting a place they do not approve of and she will lose the assistance.

Missed that part. Yeah, that puts a different spin on things.

You're a good man, aspeck...