What do I have?

Telephone Man

Jun 26, 2005
I think its a Johnson 1958 10 hp sportwin. The Numbers inside are 15024 and 13290.<br />Tried researching it on other threads but couldn't tell. 15024 showed up in search as a 18 hp. Maybe my Serial # will show the HP as a 10. <br />Anyway I started it and bought it from a guy locally. Got it home and it didn't start anymore. Seals looked bad in carb so I did a carb kit. ( Which I don't think came with all the seals for top idle pin.) My two line pressure tank looks good ( holding pressure ).<br />Plugs looked bad changed them. Put all back together and nothing. My question is - With fuel getting to my plugs ( gas residue ) I must not be getting spark. <br />Can I just take plug out and lay on in side and give her a pull and see a spark or must the plug be grounded ( against the frame)? I will be checking pressure in valves soon. I have a volt meter but didn't want to blow it up not knowing the voltages coming out. I appreciate this forum I have learned so much about my setup thus far. Found manual just need to order. Would love all the advice you all could give.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: What do I have?

Howdy, T-man.<br /><br />Go to the Engine FAQ on non-start.<br /><br />Let us know what you find.<br /><br />Good luck, and welcome aboard. :)