Today I purchased a running 1956 AD-10 M with decals on the cowl that say 5 1/2 hp. Now I find that an AD-10 is a 1956 7 1/2 hp motor. The serial number on the model plate differs from the number on the freeze plug on the powerhead. Should these match? <br /><br />Plate Serial #1437185<br />Freeze Plug #1560456<br /><br />How can I determine whether this motor has the correct powerhead with either the wrong hood or decals? The plugs are J4C and not J6C which would indicate that at least the plugs are correct for the 5 1/2. <br /><br />Aside from from these serial number discrepancies, are there any other distinguishing characterisics between the two motors?<br /><br />Please help me solve this mystery.<br /><br />John