Hey everyone,just bought this little boat but cant figure out what manf. it is.The trailor says Gator all over it but i couldnt find much about gator boats.Any Help would be great! Thanks!
Not to be a punk, but ... who cares!?! That thing is cool looking. How fun it that!?!
What does the title say? That'd be my first stop. After that, hunt around on Fiberglassics and see what you can find there.
Someone here might recognize it, but in the 60's and 70's there were little boat manufacturers all over the place. Some were pretty obscure. So it might be a little difficult to find out exactly - at least quickly.
My Grandfather had something very simular, had to be 60's or older, and I passed one up awhile back it was avocado green, if you really want to know I'll go ask the guy that had it!