West Marine Aluminum Epoxy Stick?


Seaman Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Anyone used this before to repair leaks in aluminum boats? West Marine recommended it over the more flexible caulk style sealants from 3M.
I just had a few minor seaps from 4 or 5 rivets.

I should've roughed it up beforehand, but just used the TSP etching wash. Should've first used sandpaper, then the TSP. Oh well. We'll see how it lasts. It's pretty cool stuff. Hardens fully in 60min.


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: West Marine Aluminum Epoxy Stick?

If you can get to the rivets on both sides then I would first try to tighten the rivet. Have someone with a heavy hammer on the outside with a sledge of 5 pounds or more. Have them push against the rivet from the outside then with a light hammer punch the rivet from the inside. Make sure you both have the same rivet. If you have the rivet punch tools then use them. They are kind of cupped to match the shape of the rivet and help you keep the punch on the rivet when you hit.

If tightening does not work then try the other way with one of the sealers.

Bodega Bay Weather May 15 Finally GREAT Weather
Winds West at 270 degrees true at 7.8 knots with gust to 9.7 knots water 48.9 degrees F
Seas 5.9 FEET every 13 Seconds, Swell Steepness = Swell


Seaman Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Re: West Marine Aluminum Epoxy Stick?

If you can get to the rivets on both sides then I would first try to tighten the rivet. Have someone with a heavy hammer on the outside with a sledge of 5 pounds or more. Have them push against the rivet from the outside then with a light hammer punch the rivet from the inside. Make sure you both have the same rivet. If you have the rivet punch tools then use them. They are kind of cupped to match the shape of the rivet and help you keep the punch on the rivet when you hit.

I couldnt get to the majority of the rivets because they were beneath the seats which are enclosed. I used the aluminum stick.

If tightening does not work then try the other way with one of the sealers.

Bodega Bay Weather May 15 Finally GREAT Weather
Winds West at 270 degrees true at 7.8 knots with gust to 9.7 knots water 48.9 degrees F
Seas 5.9 FEET every 13 Seconds, Swell Steepness = Swell
I used the stick for the 5 or 6spots, as I had no means to get the majority of the rivets because they were under the bench seats which are enclosed. We'll see how it works.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: West Marine Aluminum Epoxy Stick?

Gluvit, is the aluminum boats best friend.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: West Marine Aluminum Epoxy Stick?

hit search....

what td said is correct


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 2, 2006
Re: West Marine Aluminum Epoxy Stick?

Here's a 3'rd for gluvit. I resurrected a total basket case with that stuff.. 33 bucks a quart.


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 6, 2007
Re: West Marine Aluminum Epoxy Stick?

I've used it on my 18' Bayrunner and it has worked well so far.

Cabellas also sells somethingyou melt to patch holes. And I've heard good things about Gluvit.