Well I am completely chapped with myself!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
When I cut the boat up a couple of weeks ago, I of course used my sawzall, like I said, had a brand new set of DeWalt blades for the saw, I really try to put my tools back when I am done, well for 3 days now, I have not been able find that darn blade kit, as its not like they are hard to spot, the blades as well as the tube they are in are both bright DeWalt yellow!

After a winter of being stuck in the house, I have made a concentrated effort to gather everything up and put them in their right place, so they will be easy to find, but I will be dammed if I can find these suckers, I know I put there someplace I would remember, but I forgot, I was going to sleep in the meantime!

Now, I have to buy the kit all over again, because I can't remember where they are and after 3 days of frustration, I am completely disgusted! And before you say it, I know it! I will find the dang kit the minute I show up with the new one!



Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Well I am completely chapped with myself!

Save the receipt so you can return the new kit after you find the one you lost ... ;) But then, you probably won't find the lost one till you have USED the new one and can't take it back ... :facepalm:

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Well I am completely chapped with myself!

Or as you cut and chopped the boat, you may have thrown them out. I have done such silly things like this, that's why I mentioned it. Yet another reason to be organized when doing projects. You have everything where it should be, just be glad it wasn't the wallet or a more costly item.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Well I am completely chapped with myself!

I do not like playing the -Where in the heck did I last use it Game.

It can be a real brain pain remembering when the last place you remember using it then mentally walking your steps forward.

(When you put the fresh blade in, where did you put it down?)

Lil' Bone

Mar 14, 2014
Re: Well I am completely chapped with myself!

When I cut the boat up a couple of weeks ago, I of course used my sawzall, like I said, had a brand new set of DeWalt blades for the saw, I really try to put my tools back when I am done, well for 3 days now, I have not been able find that darn blade kit, as its not like they are hard to spot, the blades as well as the tube they are in are both bright DeWalt yellow!

After a winter of being stuck in the house, I have made a concentrated effort to gather everything up and put them in their right place, so they will be easy to find, but I will be dammed if I can find these suckers, I know I put there someplace I would remember, but I forgot, I was going to sleep in the meantime!

Now, I have to buy the kit all over again, because I can't remember where they are and after 3 days of frustration, I am completely disgusted! And before you say it, I know it! I will find the dang kit the minute I show up with the new one!


If you are anything like me I'd look in your back pocket. LOL I've been known to spend 10 minutes looking for a wrench that's in my hand. ;-)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 26, 2007
Re: Well I am completely chapped with myself!

I understand your pain. I hate it when I put things down or away, and cannot find them again. I think I just bought my third coping saw. I hope you find your stuff quickly.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2008
Re: Well I am completely chapped with myself!

Oh thank God. I thought I was the only guy that does stuff like this. LOL. This is how I've ended up with multiples of the same tools. No joke, I have at least 7 hack saws, 4 complete wrench sets and enough sockets to fill 2 or 3, 5 gallon buckets. My wife thinks I'm a moron. Swears that I should hide my own Easter eggs.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Well I am completely chapped with myself!

I now have 2 electric drills because of the same issue.


Jun 6, 2007
Re: Well I am completely chapped with myself!

Well, Mr. Fixit here got an rechargeable screwdriver as a gift, never opened it,,, then finally got to use it so simple, & compact, I like it for small jobs. Went to use it the other day, and couldn't find the charging unit? Turned the house upside down, no luck! just used it once, didn't wanna hafta buy a new one, or recharge unit! :grumpy:

Well, thankfully my ladyfriend found it in the kitchen drawer, where I looked of course :rolleyes: I knew I wanted to keep it in the kitchen somewhere rather then losing it in the garage.