Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
OK, here's just a thought, would it work?

Small 4x8 utility trailer, I wonder what it weighs. I'm going to guess somewhere between 300-400lb. But I'm a bad guesser.

Would it work to get a ballpark figure to stick a bathroom scale under a wheel and multiply the result x3 because it touches the ground at 3 points? Is this crazy or would it work?

I know I'm not likely at all to take it somewhere & get it weighed, since all my loads are light anyway, but I'm just curious.

What do you think?


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

Okay most scales go to 300 lbs

Get a 4' long 2x6 and a brick.......... place the board on the brick and measure the board and place foot marks on it

Now place one end of the board on the scale and the other end supported bu the brick......... no place the trailer wheel 3' from the scale and look at the weight.

^ ^ ^
Brick Tire Scale

Now if the weight on the scale is 93 lbs as an example then multiply x 3 = 279 lbs for that wheel then x 2 (since you have two wheels)=558 lbs

Now do the tongue the same way and add the numbers up

GRRRRRRrrrrrrr here I found it online too http://boldinventions.com/index.php...ale&catid=35:articles-about-science&Itemid=55


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility


not sure I understand the point of all that...why not just shove the scale under the tire? (When my wife isn't looking)


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

If it is over 300 at the wheel it could break the scale...... the board just reduces the weight placed on the scale. It is also an excellent way to get your trailer loaded tongue weight.

MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

mmm or use 2 sets of scales


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

If it is over 300 at the wheel it could break the scale...... the board just reduces the weight placed on the scale. It is also an excellent way to get your trailer loaded tongue weight.

I think I'll chance it and let it down slowly. When my wife isn't home.


Oct 1, 2008
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

Just take it to a truck stop and weigh it


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

You guys are way too optimistic about its weight!

Its less than you think... Go check out harbor freight. Shipping weight of the medium duty 4x8 trailer is 156 pounds, the heavy duty one which is rated for 1720 pounds of capacity is only 162 pounds. (not counting decking, so add 60 pounds or so for a 4x8 sheet of 3/4 plywood) (also, the weight they list is shipping weight, there is at least 10 pounds of packaging, if not more) Those are steel trailers, not aluminum.


I personally have the heavy duty one above, and yes, it is chinese made, but its also REALLY well built... I've had over 3000 pounds of dirt on it before. Poor axle was smiling at me, but it recovered after being unloaded.

Also, a truck scale will probably be wildly inaccurate. Load cells have a minimum load they require for accuracy. Below that, and its anyone's guess what it will read. A trailer that light might not be enough to even trip the load cell into reading. (1000 pounds is VERY common minimum capacity... below that, it won't even register)


Jul 27, 2006
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

You guys are way too optimistic about its weight!

Its less than you think... Go check out harbor freight. Shipping weight of the medium duty 4x8 trailer is 156 pounds, the heavy duty one which is rated for 1720 pounds of capacity is only 162 pounds. (not counting decking, so add 60 pounds or so for a 4x8 sheet of 3/4 plywood) (also, the weight they list is shipping weight, there is at least 10 pounds of packaging, if not more) Those are steel trailers, not aluminum.


I personally have the heavy duty one above, and yes, it is chinese made, but its also REALLY well built... I've had over 3000 pounds of dirt on it before. Poor axle was smiling at me, but it recovered after being unloaded.

Also, a truck scale will probably be wildly inaccurate. Load cells have a minimum load they require for accuracy. Below that, and its anyone's guess what it will read. A trailer that light might not be enough to even trip the load cell into reading. (1000 pounds is VERY common minimum capacity... below that, it won't even register)

Those are good trailers. I have built a number of them and the finished product with spare tire, jackstand and ramps weighs 285 lbs. I have overloaded mine way over the capacity of the little 4.80x12 cheap tires and it is still going strong after 5 years and thousands of miles. Just keep 60 psi in those tires!


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

Just take it to a truck stop and weigh it

Nah, the trouble involved in doing that far outweighs my need to know.

New York is like most other states.
You will need an Official Weight Slip to get it registered.

Putting off the inevitable? :rolleyes:

I bought it new in 1997 & if I recall, the dealer registered it for me before I picked it up. Never heard of an official weight slip. With trailer registrations in NY, you can wait several months after it expires to re-register it and they even pro-rate the fee depending on how much time is left in the registration period (Jan-Dec).


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

No, just the max load weight (1000).

I haven't just tried the bathroom scale method yet because I have a load on the trailer right now & need to get it off first.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

The weight of this small trailer can be calculated as follows:

1) Weigh with one wheel right on the scale. Use a short board to spread the weight a bit.
2) Do the same for the other side.
3) Weigh the tongue
4)) Add the weight of the three weights = trailer weight
5) GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating) is the weight of the empty weight of the trailer plus its load.

Your trailer would need to weight 600# (which is highly unlikely) in order to crash a 300# scale.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

Thanks, Silvertip, I was thinking more about this today and thought that your procedure of weighing each separately and adding them together should be pretty close. Once I get a chance to actually do it, I'll post what I found here.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

Waking up this post....

I finally got the load off my trailer and tried this weighing method and I think it's fairly accurate:

Left = 162.4 lb

Right = 174.0 lb.

Tongue = 72.6 lb.

This is a 14 year old steel trailer with fairly hefty steel, has 2x4 posts & rails and 3/4" PT floor, plus a spare tire.

Total weight = 409 lb.


And the prize goes to.....not me, who guessed 300-350.:p

Oh, by the way, I almost got caught doing this. My wife drove in the driveway while I was in the process. I managed to get the scale thrown in my trunk before she could see what I was doing. I guess she just thinks I'm puttering around and doesn't pay much attention. :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 2, 2011
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

My 6X12 utility trailer, with 5/4 decking for a floor, and a ramp tailgate, has an unladen weight of 675#. Just helping you compare. Or you can take it to a landscape supply yard and weigh it. Doesnt have to be a truck stop, where you would have to pay.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

Thanks BlueLight. This little experiement showed me that it's pretty easy to underestimate the weight of an empty trailer.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Weight of empty trailer - 4x8' utility

Oh, by the way, I almost got caught doing this. My wife drove in the driveway while I was in the process. I managed to get the scale thrown in my trunk before she could see what I was doing. I guess she just thinks I'm puttering around and doesn't pay much attention. :D

But did you remember to wipe the tread marks off the scale? :eek: