Weekend results on Ray Bob


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 19, 2004
Hey guys. After two weekend ago on Grapevine and 2 of the smallest dinks you have ever seen come out of a freshwater impoundment, my buddy and I ventured out a little and went to Ray Roberts Lake. We hed heard all week how crappy the fishing was but figured what the heck. Fished all morning and only boated 5 keepers (largemouth), and we look over at a guy who at some time in the day caught a 30 pound cat on a spoon was slaying the sandbass so we went over to 'take a peek'. He was very nice and invited us to fish as close as we wanted so we took him up on his offer. Our closest count was about 53 sandbass. About half of them were a pound/pound and a half,very good keeper size. So one heck of a sunburn and about 58 total fish, what more can a man ask for in life?


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Weekend results on Ray Bob

Okay guys, five keeper largemouths - Ray Bob has a 14-24 slot; were these overs? if so that is a buttload of big bass! What did you catch 'em on?<br /><br />Were the whites surfacing?<br />What part of the lake were you on?<br /><br />No crappie?<br /><br />good report, but that's just one more local lake I've not been on; so much water, so little time!<br /><br />thanks!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 19, 2004
Re: Weekend results on Ray Bob

I guess they weren't keepers then. They were all maybe 14-16 inches. They were all on chrome rattle traps and crankbaits on the tops of trees in wolf creek. The sandbass were in Buck creek near the east side of the opening, by the tank dam. We had so much fun with the sandies that we didn't try any crappie. We heard the crappie bites were slow right now anyway. If you know where they are please let me know.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Weekend results on Ray Bob

fatpratt, when you gonna show me how to catch bass - I been focusing on sandies this year because I just got tired of not catching fish!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 19, 2004
Re: Weekend results on Ray Bob

Man my year hasn't been that great either. Mostly caught them on soft plastics when it was hot but now the bass are on the move eating all they can. They are eating all the shad they can right now before the water gets too cold. I caught all mine last weekend on shad-like lures but it was kind of warm. Your guess is as good as mine this weekend as the temp. has dropped. We're going to try Lewisville lake this weekend. We're going to fish under the I-35 bridge as I heard there were a bunch of crappie there. If that doesn't work we'll go hunting for bass. I wish I knew how deep they were.