Weddings and Family

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
I am going to a family wedding today.. Now I have quite the ........ Different family, well cousins mostly.. Well some multiplied throughout the years. There are people in our family I have a really hard time claiming and I am sure at the last stand off they don't even want to be in the same room with me either.. Lets just say someone tried to take advantage of my mom's hospitallity one year and I stood up to the plate and had a very clear firm in plain english talk that only her and I would understand. And for some reason these 7 non family fiends didn't to show up at our home for a strictly family get together..<br />Its kind of like open buffet on my mom's expense and mine, plus give these extra people a place to flop, people we don't even know.. Well she came but left the others behind..<br />Weddings-- you ever go to a wedding when one side of the family is just not right..<br />If you answered yes, you have been to my world.. I can't put into words what a camera can pick-up. So I am bringing the camera and I hope to be able to share my pain of good laughs with everyone..<br />PS... I have an Ok family as long as they stay in the bay area and I am safe up here fishing...<br />So I am sure some if you have suffered over family weddings.. You know what it is like.<br />My last words to my son was, what ever you do stay away from the little-one he's not right.. You know the kid with the look in his eye, who you never want to fully turn your back on. I never knew that a 7 yr.old could say things that he was going too and mean it.. I didn't even want to go there. It was like having a Holloween, Nightmare on elm street and friday the 13th flash back all in one the middle of April on Easter.. Not Good..<br />Well I'll be back by Sunday if I survive..