Re: Waverunner not mixing oil with gas
1. Is it possible that I've already damaged my engine and don't know it?
2. Is it possible to fix the Yamaha oil injection system so it works properly? I've heard a lot of bad things about it...
3. How do I do an "oil output test"?
4. How do I remove the oil injection system from the waverunner entirely?
5. If I premix, what mixture should I use?
6. Does premixing change anything maintenance-wise or otherwise that I should know about?
Do a compression check. compression shoud be around 125 or so.
If the oil pump is bad then the only way to fix it is to replace it. i think yours has a variable rate pump. There shoudl be a cable that goes from the throttle wheel at the carb to the oil injection pump. Check and make sure that the cable isnt binding. If it came off the pump is supposed to go the Wide open setting
I never heard of a oil output test. If you pull the plug wires and take off the oil lines going to the carb as you crank over the ski little drops of oil shoudl come out of the lines.
You need to drain the oil tank. then pull the oil injection pump. get a block off kit ( about 12-16$) its basically a piece of metal that covers up the left over hole where the oil pump shaft went through the front case. little silicone on the backside to make a watertight seal so no water gets in the stator area. Then get some small rubber caps and cap off the old oil inejction fittings at the carbs. Some older skis had them in the air hat area others had them in the manifold
I usually mixed at 40:1 for regular and 50:1 for synthetic but I used regular oil for the most part.
the only thing it changes is youll need to mix the fuel and oil in a gas can before you pour it in the tank. I usually let the tank run low then added the required mix in the tank then I poured in the gas and then I went to my destination ( when I went on long trips liek the river) when i went to local ocean riding spots i mixed in a gas can and poured it in.
As far as maintenance is concerned the only thing its gonna do is basically nothing but what I listed above. Well its gonna do one thing. Youll know that as long as youre getting fuel youre getting oil. Your tune ups and maintenance wont be affected by the pre mix.
Jeff may have soemthign to add to this.