Re: Water Pump Impeller replacement difficulty?
make sure you install the impeller with the blades facing the correct way (same way of the old one when you take it out). i'm not sure if it makes a difference or not though, but i've been told it does.
spray pb blaster on your bolts and wait a good bit, try not to break them. If they are really sticky, reapply pb blaster and wait longer and/or tap the wrench gently with a hammer (as if you are trying to hammer in the bolt, NOT hitting the handle of the wrench with the hammer) while you are applying torque in a controlled manner.
when reassembling, apply antiseize or marine grease generously to the bolts. i just use marine grease.
DON'T overtorque the bolts holding the water pump assembly together. its usually plastic and can crack by overaggressive torquing. it really just needs to be snug plus a tiny bit more.
Torque footbolts to spec