If you have a clean place to work, good tools, the right replacement parts, including a new gasket. If you know what a key-way is, and you have a good manual, and you understand righty tighty, lefty loosey, it’s do able. <br />Having the confidence to drop the leg is the easy part, lining the splines up properly and bolting her back up, is harder. My lawyer charges me $250.00 per hour; I believe $60.00 per hour, shop time for a good wrench, is a bargain. I think you will feel better knowing the work was done professionally when you get out on the water.<br />If you like your like your shop guy, I would schedule a time when you can be available, and sit and watch quietly while they do it. Shop guys hate that, but there are a couple small tricks of the trade. For safety, it is a good idea to carry a spare impeller kit, and able to change a raw water impeller, in a pinch. If they let you watch, pay attention, and don’t ask questions. Not because they are primo donnas, but because it’s distracting, and they need to concentrate, so they do not forget something. If they let you watch, tip’em out, and be grateful for the free education, I hope this doesn’t sound like a put down, I have almost fifteen years marine experience, and I hate that initial sea trial on my own work, it raises the pucker factor significantly. <br />I would suggest flushing the motor with lots of fresh water, and gently probing your raw water discharge (pee hole), making sure it is clear. Check all your water lines for that mater, intake, and discharge, for obstruction, rips, or bad hose clamps. Make sure your intake ports are clean, and then if you still have a water pump problem, talk about an impeller. Boats are great!