If you have a water pressure gauge "t'd" into the telltale, that can sometimes change the real water pressure. To validate the pressure hook the pressure gauge line direct to the telltale hose barb on the exhaust cover. No "T." Once the engine starts, you should almost immediately get a strong telltale stream at idle. On the flatback engines, you will get a water stream out of the exhaust relief ports at higher rpm's. That's normal. Also, I've see water pressure gauges that get frozen of the the winter. If there is any residual water in them, the freezing water can bend the arm connector between the bladder and the gauge needle, causing an incorrect reading. If you don't know what it should read, you may not notice the 5-10 lbs difference in the reading when you run it the next spring. If it's a new impeller, I'd try another water pressure gauge. Seems like I have to replace mine every 5-6 years for that reason.