Water inlet leask, Mercruiser 4.3 Alpha Gen II


May 14, 2008
My Mercruiser alpha gen II 4.3 leaks water from the water inlet. Originally, I thought it was just the clamp, so I tightened it and the leak continued.

I took the water hose from the engine out and verified that the leak is coming from around the water inlet. Also, the water inlet seems very loose. The water inlet has two screws that I took out. I expected to find a gasket or something, but I didn't. There is a gasket that I can see but is on the oposite end of the water tube (the end that conects a hose with the gimbal bearing).

For disclosure, we did replace the water hose, but the old one didn't have a gasket nor we got a new one with the new hose kit.

So my questions are

1. Is it just a matter of installing the new gasket on the engine side, or do I need to do anything about the gasket on the transom side. In other words, how do I fix it.

2. Can I get the gasket on a marine shop or do I have to get it from the dealer. Also, can I used something else like a gasket-forming product at an automotive store?



May 14, 2008
Re: Water inlet leask, Mercruiser 4.3 Alpha Gen II


Yes, I was referring to the water tube that goes through the transom.

I was looking at page 4B-8 and the part # 16 is the one I was referring to. When I originally replaced the water hose, this rubber grommet was installed not from the side that connects to the engine, but from the side that connects to the gimbal bearing. When I installed it back, I just put it back in the exact same way I found it, which obviously is not the right way.

To take that groommet out and place it on the side of the engine, it would mean taking the outdrive and potentially the gimbal bell out. I think it is just easier to leave it there and install a new one from the engine side.

Would you anticipate any problem leaving the grommet were it is now?


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Water inlet leask, Mercruiser 4.3 Alpha Gen II

There is very little room between the tube and the outer part of the transom shield, and you will probably have clearance problems and maybe even break the tube when you tighten it down.

V V V V V V V V V Read the blue print below my name V V V V V V V V V V


May 14, 2008
Re: Water inlet leask, Mercruiser 4.3 Alpha Gen II

To close this thread, actually I decided to try to fix it right the first time. Anyways, the dealer was closed to get another rubber grummet, so I would have had to wait until after Memorial Day.

So, took the drive out, the gimbal bearing out and got the hose out. Pulled the rubber grummet that had incorrectly been installed from that end. Put the hose back (yep, by this time my hands were all bruised) and installed the rubber grummet from the engine side. Put the gimbal bearing back, took advantage to grease the hinge pins, put the drive back after replacing the gasket and o-ring, and voila, done. Total time, about 4 hours of uninterrupted work.

Took the boat out during Memorial day, and not a drop of water got from that place, or any other for that matter.

Quick lessons:

1. Just because you found it that way, does not mean it is the right way (I read this on somebody's signature on this forum)

2. Do it right the first time, and you won't be sorry (kind of DonS signature put from another point of view).


May 14, 2008
Re: Water inlet leask, Mercruiser 4.3 Alpha Gen II

Sorry, didn't take the Gimbal bearing, but the gimbal bell housing.

So lesson #3, learn the proper part names if you are going to use them.