water in the oil 175 merc


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 22, 2004
i had a customer whos boat sank partially. the engine did not submerge. it's a 175 merc. 5 months later he has yet to pay his bill. he informed me that he had water in his oil(from sinking) and burned his powerhead sometime later. he only ran the boat for five minutes. we billed him for pumping out the boat and cleaning the hull and repairing the leak. no water in the fuel or oil tank. i figured the volume of oil in the line from the remote tank to the engine tank to be about 12 oz. he would have had to burn about 4.5 gallons of gas in five minutes to pump water to his engine tank. ( i doubt that) he would have also had to seal what ever leak allowed the water to enter the remote tank in order for it to pressurize the system. he didn't inform me of any problems until i chained his boat to the slip. (after 5 months) the way i see it water in the oil is not a possibility. i would like some input from others. thanks


Jan 16, 2004
Re: water in the oil 175 merc

A 175 will burn around 19-20 gallons per hour at full throttle.<br /><br />So, worst-case scenario, the most fuel he could possibly have burned in 5 minutes would be 20/12 or 1.67 Gallons.<br /><br />Converting that to ounces, it would be approx 214 ounces of fuel. Given a straight 50:1 injection ratio, dividing 214 by 50 we get 4.28 ounces of oil used.<br /><br />Check my math to be sure but I think it's correct; sounds like he's shinin' you on Fer Sur.<br /><br />HTH & Good Luck...........ed


Dec 16, 2003
Re: water in the oil 175 merc

If you still have the boat chained,keep it.Go to court,and let him prove how an engine runs on water fot 5 minutes.Which it won't.Also let him explain how he managed to do this for 5 minutes.then ask him if he will show how to burn water in the courthouse.<br />DHP