A few days ago I had the lower unit oil in my Tohatsu 3.5HP 4 Stroke (year 2008) changed. I had been using the motor just before (less than 15minutes) before we began draining the lower unit oil. When we were draining the oil we noticed n water was also coming out. This concerned me but a friend said 'maybe' I shouldn't worry because if I had just used the motor that it would not be abnormal for some water to be in there. Today I drained the lower unit oil again (after a few days of the motor not being used) and there was no apparent water coming out (maybe a ml or 2ml no exaggeration). What gives here? Do I have a lower unit seal problem or am I worrying too much. I plan on selling the motor and I don't want to misrepresent the motors condition to a prospective buyer.