Water in Hull


Feb 24, 2006
I have posted here before about getting my grandfathers 1963 razorback ski boat. Well I was able to bring it home this Saturday. When I was moveing it around I noticed a sloshing sound that sounded like it was comeing from inside the hull. I asked my grandfather about this, and he said that he has had to drain the hull before along time ago. He also showed me where the drain hole/plug was for this. So I guess here is my question. 1) The boat has not been in the water in about 15-20 years. How did the water get in? (it has sat uncover for a while) 2) What kind of damage could this water do sitting in there like that for so long? (I would say it took about 15-30 mins to drain) 3) Would the boat still float after all the water was removed? 4) How long should I leave the plug out to let it dry? The plug that came out was just a brass (copper) tube that had three little screws holding it in. 5) Should I replace it with the same plug or try and get a new one? If so what kind? once again thanks for all your help


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Water in Hull

Well I think you answered number 1 ;) On number 2, not knowing the boat, it is hard to speculate, but if this water was solely in the bilge and not up in the floor, damage could be minimal if there is any. Did you see the height of the water before you drained it? Can you see any evidence of how high the water was now? 15 -30 minutes is a long enough time that I would want to get a good look at everything.<br /><br />3) Yes the boat will float, but it could be totally waterlogged inside and quite a bit heavier because of it. Not a great thing no matter how you slice it.<br /><br />4) Always keep the plug out when you are storing her, eliminates the problem you are having ;) I periodically run a blow dryer under the cover in my boat throughout the winter to keep her dry. That couldn't hurt, but they will eventually dry out in the sun. <br /><br />5) It kinda sounds like you pulled out the whole sleeve that the plug mounts into :confused: Can you post a pic?


Feb 24, 2006
Re: Water in Hull

Well i could not see any evidence of how high the water was, because it was in the hull. I do not mean in the boat where the seats are. There is a different plug for that area. that was out. I think that i might have pulled the whole sleeve out also. There was a place in the middle of the plug where it looked like a flat head screw driver would go, but when i tried to turn it just broke. So i had to take out the little screws. I will try and post a pic, as soon as i can. thanks for your help.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 5, 2004
Re: Water in Hull

Get a new plug and fitting (like the one you took out, or, similar). Install it back using sealant so that you can just unscrew the next plug instead of removal of the fitting.<br /> Don't put it back in the water until you get that fitting replaced and sealed.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Water in Hull

Ayuh,..........<br />That's the Plug for the "Waterproof Comparment"..........And,....As I've said Before,......<br /><br />There Ain't No Such Thing on a Boat, as a Waterproof Compartment.....<br /><br />Water will Always find a Way In..........And I think you've got More than alittle Condensation......<br /><br />Take that Plug,+ Chuck that thing as Far as you Can...........<br /><br />As you're starting to figure out,....<br />A Drained Bilge is a Dry Bilge,..........<br />Dry Bilges Don't ROT.......<br /><br />Hopefully,..... That water Hasn't been sitting in that boat for as Long has you Think it has......<br />It would Really be Ashame to have to Restore it,....<br />From the Keel Up.............<br /><br />Good Luck........


Feb 24, 2006
Re: Water in Hull

Thanks guys for the help. I am going this week and try and find a new fitting and plug for it. What kind of sealant should I use? Should I use enough so that the fitting part will not come back out? Sould i put some on the tube part of the fitting when i put it back in and the around the outside of the fitting???? Sorry for all the dumb questions but i have never had to do any fixing of the boats. just usually ride in them.


Feb 24, 2006
Re: Water in Hull

Yes thanks that is kind of what mine looked like, but it had about 1-2 inch tube on it. and being that it is so old it had a place for a flat head screw driver in it to turn it not a square head for a wrench. When I did it just busted the place where the screw driver went. So I had to take the three little screws out to get it out. Thanks for all your help.


Feb 24, 2006
Re: Water in Hull

Also on plug example #1 what is the diference between Garboard Drain Plug Only, W/Pin and Garboard Drain, W/Plug other than just the price?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 10, 2005
Re: Water in Hull

Also on plug example #1 what is the diference between Garboard Drain Plug Only, W/Pin and Garboard Drain, W/Plug other than just the price?
I'm not sure, that's kind of confusing the way they have it layed out. I would stick with "example #3" It's cheap, it's simple, and it's exactly what I had on my old boat and on my new boat. ;)