Water in gimbel bellows, engine overheating & alignment tool, things to check before installing new engine.


Sep 1, 2020
Evening everyone!

Quick version:
I found a cup of water in the gimbel bellows when I removed the lower end to remove engine. What should I look for?

Previous engine 'got hot' anything specific I should pay close attention to before reinstallation of new engine?

Any alternatives to the engine alignment tool or should I just go ahead and order one?

Long version:
Bought an 85 Rinker with a 350/OMC setup that had a suspected rod knock. I have only heard it run for about 10-15 seconds. Turned out that a valve seat dropped out and tore up four pistons and the block on a 3 year old reman engine (I have another post up about those specifics.) Also found a probable blowen head gasket. I also found 3-4 qts of water in the oil but it wasn't 'emulsified' the oil and water were completely seperate. We strongly suspect the engine got pretty hot from a visual inspection.

So I'm going through everything in my head this evening in preparation to reinstall the engine hopefully this weekend. Is there anything specific I should pay close attention before the engine goes back in related to overheating issues or anything else while engine is out?

I am planing to order a new thermostat and also want to inspect the engine water pump fins if possible or replace it. (If I remember correctly the last small block I worked on could remove back cover of pump but not certain on that.)

All of the rubber/bellows/etc... looked to be in great shape and almost suspect might have been replaced with the new engine three years ago.

I did remove the lower end but havnt serviced it yet. I beleive I'm going to go ahead and order a new water pump kit for it and also along with Type C gear lube.

Also, when I removed the outdrive I found maybe a cup of water inside the gimble bellows which concerned me. The gimble bearing looked good visually from what I could see and the u-joints looked great. (There sure was plenty of greese everywhere.)

Anything else I might be forgetting?

Have experience with mercruisers buy this is my first omc setup.
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Water in the drive bellows is either a bad bellows or not sealed on the ends

Yes, get an alignment bar. Got mine off ebay, and use a guy with many sales

Rotate the gimbal bearing with your fingers to see if its as smooth as silk. If its not, it needs replaced

An over heated motor can do many things. Run the motor without the drive first, can even run on a stand or blocks of wood before install to test


Oct 29, 2020
Hey all. I just bought a 199t2 Chris Craft Concept 187 I'm just looking for other Concept owners to share their experiences with this boat. I'm having a hard time finding much information on this boat and am wondering of others' overall experience of this boat. Anyone with manuals they'd like to share would be an added bonus for me to keep working to restore my boat! thanks!