I started my motor yesterday. It still starts good, thanks to a lot of help from you kind people. 1973> 850 Mercury. I've got another problem. I noticed vibration at low rpms. (skip?) Tested and it had good spark at all 4 cylinders. Pulled plugs, bottom cylinder, #4 had clean plug, others appeared normal. Switched #1 & #4. Ran 20 minutes, same result, #4 clean. Compression test showed All cylinders 135-140 psi, cold. Is this high? New tester, not cheap! Anyway consistent at all 4 holes. Where do I go from here? Go ahead and change the head gasket? Are there other things I need to check first? Oh yeah-I was running the motor out of the water, with muffs. Thanks again for all your help. Have a good day! -G.