My engine quit and I made a logistical mistake that cost me money and it still doesn't make sense to me. A samaritan offered to tow me to a place of safety. He got me to a mooring and took us ashore to the adjacent dock where we could walk back to the car. Got mooring owner's permission for short-term tieup. Called TowBoatUS, for which I have insurance, in order to get the boat towed to the yard where they can fix the engine. Am informed that it's a dock-to-dock tow which is only covered at 50%. I called cust service and complained, saying that this policy should not be encouraging people to stay adrift at sea rather than tie up somwehere if they can. They told me the idea of towing insurance was to get you off the high seas asap and once you are docked it is a less urgent situation. They did say if I was forced to leave the mooring, they would cover it at 100%. So I should have told the owner to explicitly NOT give me permission to moor and I would have saved $$$?<br /><br />I don't get it.