I have a 1986 115 yamaha, with Yamaha gauges in the boat. On the tach, there are three indicator lights. <br />From left to right:<br />-red: with an empty circle in it<br />-orange: with what seems to be an oil can, so I assume this is a low oil indicator which has come on before when low on oil.<br />-green-: with a full circle inside<br /><br />I have no idea what the red and green indicators are for. The green is always on so I can only assume again that this is normal. However, yesterday. The red indicator came on acompanied by a loud buzzer. With this, the engine ran rough at anything above 2000 rpm. Otherwise it seems fine under said rpm range. The oil level seemed sufficient. Thankfully I wasn't that far from the boat ramp, so I 'putted' in. Also, my fuel level at the time was scarily near empty. I'm hoping, but my only guesstimation is that this red light is associated with low fuel levels. I turned on the ignition this morning and the buzzer was still present. So I guess I can rule out an overheated engine.....<br /><br />Some help, any help please.<br />Thankyou!