warning horn short circuit? #2


Apr 12, 2004
Hi, all.

After some extensive work on my boat I hooked up my engine again after not having used it for over a month.
It’s a 120HP V4 VRO 1988 120HP.
The first time I tried starting it the starter jumped up and the engine made compression. It didn't start so I tried again. Now nothing happened no click no sound nothing... except that my lights went on. So I disconnected everything from the battery except for the engine and she started right up. So I figured a short in the secondary systems (navigation lights, dashboard fish finder etc) As I wanted to go out I left those disconnected.
All good so far, i go boating, warm her up nicely and go for WOT. As I pick up speed the warning horn starts sounding, the faster I go, the louder it sounds. (continuous, but a short circ. kinda sound). I almost can't hear it at idle but it becomes loud if I "step" on it. And this is with only the - and + from the engine connected. If I connect the secondary systems she won't start at all.

What is wrong? I started with putting two stroke oil in my gas, and checking the oil, but the engine takes oil so the vro is working (thank you!)

where don I go from here? I've got the book but don't know where to start. First I want to concentrate on the mains(engine) the secondary systems are for later, and for now not hooked up. So where does it go wrong? In the remote? or on the engine? why does the sound grow louder if I make more rpms?

well I hope someone has the solution out there and willing share it with me. In the mean time greetings from holland


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: warning horn short circuit? #2

Actually sounds like a bad horn module JJ. But, to be sure, start disconnecting the alarm inputs one at a time to see if the alarm stops.

If the alarm still sounds, check the wiring in the control box for shorts and what not......you got mice in Holland? They been known to get into boats and chew on wires. Might want to look at the harness running through the boat.

I deleted your other post also.


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: warning horn short circuit? #2

I'll bet that when you disconnect the oil tank to motor connection, the sound will disappear. The 1995 and earlier oil level sensor electronics inside the tank pickup can go "belly up" and give off all kinds of weird signals.

All that sensor does is let you know when the oil level is down to about a quart or two.