Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

pine island fred

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 20, 2002
Bought an old hull, CARLSON, considering hanging a new motor instead of swapping a long in the tooth MERC. Want a 2 stroke in the 40 to 50 hp. range due to weight considerations. Not to many out there. Looks like TOHATSU, good reputation, is the way to go but they want to hang it.
Suits me but the trailer that came with the boat is unsafe to tow down the street and my 4 cyl. ranger is not a tow vehicle. So question is, will dealers bring a motor to the boat and hang it using a very accessable davit?
Sure, answer is talk to the dealer but I dont want to sound like an idiot expecting them to do something that for some reason is out of the question. Why cant I just buy one that is in the box? Why do they have to hang it? FRED


Mar 28, 2006
Re: Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

They would need to do a PDI (pre delivery inspection) and make sure it is installed correctly, if not, it might affect your warranty .....


Apr 20, 2008
Re: Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

I guess you will be needing to fix your trailer in order to launch anyway.

We do some deliveries, especially for sailboats, since they can't be easily hauled to our shop. You will want to work this out with the dealer, who really needs to do a PDI, including the RC box setup. In our case, since we visit most of the local yards every so often, it's not much of an inconvenience for us.

pine island fred

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 20, 2002
Re: Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

Thank you for your input. Wife told me this evening to go ahead a get one if I think it is a good idea. Cant justify dropping repairs and new plates on this ratty trailer just to get it to a dealer and the 4 cyl. RANGER wont pull it anyway. Will start looking around for a dealer that will work with me. Just pulled the old 70 off today, piece of cake. Davets are right there, we can drop it in the water if they want to. Going to down size to a 40 hp. regards FRED


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2008
Re: Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

Wife told me this evening to go ahead a get one if I think it is a good idea.the 4 cyl. RANGER wont pull it anyway. regards FRED

OK Fred, now that she is in the mood, time to get her to ok a trailer and maybe a good f150!!!:D:D

pine island fred

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 20, 2002
Re: Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

Thanks all for your input. Walked into the marina today and the only motor on display was a YAMAHA 50 2 stroke. Even has carbs !! Thats for me. Tried to buy it but it was sold. Mine is being shipped from SEATTLE and will be at my door step maby late next week. They will let me hang it myself but natuarally want to see it before they issue the warranty. Did not know that they were still available. FRED


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2008
Re: Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

So, Fred..how about the deal on that new trailer and the F150??..:D


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 28, 2004
Re: Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

There's nothing wrong with the Yamaha 50 carb- good choice. That motor has been around a very long time and it is easy to work on.... Enjoy!

Let us know how you make out.....

pine island fred

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 20, 2002
Re: Want a new TOHATSU 2 stroke

Had an older YAMAHA 50 a few years back. Was very happy with it until a connecting rod bearing burned. Took it apart and found that it had a pressed together crankshaft with one piece connecting rods. Got it back together again but it cost a fortune to send the crank out. Wont do that again but the motor might still be running.
My neck of the woods a trailer is a liability. What do you do with them ? Store them in a field or around your house. Weeds grow around them, tires rot away, wheel bearings seized, light corroded, no license plates. Once every 4 years when you might need one its a matter of rebuilding one you borrowed just to use it. If you see a boat on a trailer, its a free bee, people are happy just to have the whole rig, motor included, off the property. If a boat does have to be hauled, the repair guys usually come up with something.
Aluminum trailers did have a habit of disaperaring when metal prices were high. regards FRED