Wanna see the ISS and Discovery?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 4, 2005
During dawn or dusk it's possible to see the ISS pass overhead depending on where you are and whether or not you have a clear sky. When the Discovery is docked, it will appear MUCH brighter and looks like a brilliant pinpoint of light rapidly crossing the sky. Here's the link, just follow the instructions:<br /><br /> http://novis.hq.nasa.gov/novis/ISScountrylist.cfm <br /><br />This link allows you to see exactly where the Discovery and ISS (in addition to many more satellites) are in real-time, I use it in conjunction with the above link to see exactly where the ISS is when it passes over. For example, a couple weeks ago I saw the ISS from right here in the middle of Ohio while it was over Lake Michigan. <br /><br /> http://science.nasa.gov/Realtime/JTrack/3D/JTrack3D.html <br /><br />It's pretty cool to see and as it turns out, I don't get to see it this time but I thought some of y'all might get a kick out of it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 13, 2005
Re: Wanna see the ISS and Discovery?

If you live down south, sometimes you can see the shuttle when it re-enters. It is amazing how fast it travels. One time we were watching outside as it streaked across the southern sky, went inside as soon as it disappeared and the news showed it over Mississippi already. I have also seen it docked to the ISS (awesome) :cool: