Re: vro compadibility
you can use the existing pump, as long as the fuel side is still good.
VRO conversion w/ pump still working
if the fuel side on your Pump is still working it is very simple. unplug the 2 line harness going to the oil tank, unplug the 3 or 4 wire harness, going to the Vro pump. cut and cap the oil line going into the motor. add oil to fuel tank, mix well, then remove fuel line at top carb, catching gas in a container, pump the fuel line bulb until you get premixed gas to the carb. you can tell as it will change color. put line back on carb, and go boating.
the new premix pump that looks like the VRO/OMS pump, is just as expensive and a new OMS pump, $400.00. #5007422